Amanda W. Final Project Technigo Bootcamp class of fall 2022
PokeYay is a web app for people playing Pokemon Go. PokeYay lets the user search for other players that are willing to trade Pokémon with one another.
The user can both search for what Pokémon other players are looking to trade, or are willing to part with. And can list their own Pokémon.
This project uses a monorepo.
Backend is located in /backend
, deployed to Google Cloud Run
Frntend is located in /frontend
, deployed to Netlify
cd backend
npm i
npm run dev
To download fresh data from pokemon sources: npm run download-pokemons
To generate a new pokemons.json
, run npn run generate-pokemons
Push to git, branch main. This will be automatically picked up and deployed by Google Cloud Run Project link:
cd frontend
npm i
npm start
Main technologies used: React, React Router, Redux Ant Design, swr
Push to git, branch main. This will be automatically picked up and deployed by Netlify
This project uses PoGo API for Pokémon data and PokeAPI for image content.