
Primary LanguageTypeScript


main workflow

The purpose of the Global Disease Database (GDD) Webapp is to provide an interface for scientists to validate images of diseases in the GDD so that the images can be used to train AI models more effectively.

The app provides users with an interface where they are presented with an image. They then can take one of the following actions:

  • CONFIRM - if the user believes the image should be used as part of the GDD
  • SKIP - if the user is unsure whether the image should be in the GDD
  • Mark as INVALID - if the user believes the image should not be used in the GDD

Every time a user CONFIRMS an image is credible they also add labelling for any disease that is present. It is this labelling that will be used for training the AI model.

If enough users mark an image as INVALID it will be removed from the GDD and not used to train the AI.


The app is a React application (using create-react-app and typescript). It uses the firebase client to authenticate users and to fetch and store images and their associated data.

The app is hosted on firebase and can be found at https://aiscope-labeling-app.web.app/

Running the app locally

You must have node and yarn installed.

It is recommended to use the Node Version Manager to manage your node installations and to use the version of node that is specified in the .nvmrc file.

To run the app locally:

  1. Install all dependencies.
yarn install
  1. Start the application.
yarn start
  1. Go to localhost:3000 in the browser.

Testing, formatting and linting

To run unit tests:

yarn test #unit tests use jest as the test runner and testing-library for interacting with the dom

To run linting:

yanr lint # uses https://eslint.org/

To auto format use prettier:

yanr prettier # uses https://prettier.io/

The project uses husky to run tests and lint before committing


The app is currently deployed on every push. Github actions is used to run automated tests and if they are successful a new version of the application is deployed using the firebase cli.

Contributing Guidelines

Contributions should be made by creating a fork of the repository and then make a PR against main. Maintainers of the project can then review and merge these PRs.

All PRs should aim to have good unit test coverage and all tests must be passing before a PR can be merged.