
A python script that a) parses NIST NVD CVEs, b) prcoesses and exports them to CSV files, c) creates a postgres database and imports all the data in it, d) provides query capabilities for this CVEs database.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A python script that:

a) parses NIST NVD CVEs,

b) prcoesses and exports them to CSV files, c) creates a postgres database and imports all the data in it, and

d) provides query capabilities for this CVEs database.

Usage examples:

  • Download, parse and save in CSV files all CVEs from NIST NVD:

    ./cve_management.py -d -p -csv

  • Create a postgresql database to host the downloaded CVEs:

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -ow <new_owner of database> -cd

  • Create the tables and views at the database:

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -ct

  • Import all data into the created database (requires the download, parse and sdtore as CSV files first, as explained above):

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -idb -p

  • Query for a specific CVE:

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -cve 2019-2434

  • Query for all CVEs related with a product (e.g. windows), with a base metric score greater than a value (e.g. 9, that is critcal), and a publication date equal or newer than a specific year (e.g. 2018):

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -pr radar -sc 9 -dt 2018

  • Query for all CVEs related with a vendor (e.g. microsoft), with a base metric score greater than a value (e.g. 9, that is critcal), and a publication date equal or newer than a specific year (e.g. 2019):

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -ve microsoft -sc 9 -dt 2019

  • Truncate the contents of all tables (required if you want to repeat the import process so as to update the data):

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -tr

  • Delete the database (remove it completely):

    ./cve_management.py -u -ps -host -db <database_name> -dd

Complete list of supported arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-v, --version show program's version number and exit

-p, --parse Process downloaded CVEs.

-d, --download Download CVEs.

-csv, --cvs_files Create CSVs files.

-idb, --import_to_db Import CVEs into a database.

-i INPUT, --input INPUT The directory where NVD json files will been downloaded, and the one from where they will be parsed (default: nvd/)

-o RESULTS, --output RESULTS The directory where the csv files will be stored (default: results/)

-u USER, --user USER The user to connect to the database.

-ow OWNER, --owner OWNER The owner of the database (if different from the connected user).

-ps PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD The password to connect to the database.

-host HOST, --host HOST The host or IP of the database server.

-db DATABASE, --database DATABASE The name of the database.

-cd, --create_database Create the database

-dd, --drop_database Drop the database

-ct, --create_tables Create the tables of the database

-tr, --truncate_cves_tables Truncate the CVEs-related tables

-cve CVE, --cvs_number CVE Print info for a CVE (CVSS score and other)

-pr PRODUCT, --product PRODUCT Print CVEs for a product

-ve VENDOR, --vendor VENDOR Print CVEs for a vendor for all products

-sc SCORE, --score SCORE Use base score as a selection criterion

-dt DATE, --date DATE Use publication date as a selection criterion