
Suppose we have two images. One image is of a bench in a park. The second image is of the entire park, which also includes the bench. Now suppose we want to write code that helps us find the bench inside the park image. You might think this is an easy task, but let me add some complexity. What if the image of the bench is a zoomed image? Or what if it is rotated? Or both? How are you going to deal with it now?

The answer lies in the scale-invariant feature transform, or SIFT algorithm. As the name suggest, it is scale invariant, which means that no matter how much we zoom in on (or out of) the image, we can still find similarities. Another feature of this algorithm is that it is rotation invariant. Regardless of degree of rotation, it still performs well. The only issue with this algorithm is that it’s patented, which means that for academic purposes it’s good, but for commercial purpose there may be lot of legal issues involved with using it. However, this won’t stop us from learning and applying this algorithm for now.

We first must understand the basics of the algorithm. Then we can apply it to finding similarities between two images using Python and then we’ll look at the code line by line.

Let’s look at the features of the image that the SIFT algorithm tries to factor out during processing:

  • Scale (zoomed-in or zoomed-out image)
  • Rotation
  • Illumination
  • Perspective

As you can see, not only are scale and rotation accommodated, the SIFT algorithm also takes care of the illumination present in the image and the perspective from which we are looking. But how does it do all of this? Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process of using the SIFT algorithm:

  1. Find and constructing a space to ensure scale invariance
  2. Find the difference between the gaussians
  3. Find the important points present inside the image
  4. Remove the unimportant points to make efficient comparisons
  5. Provide orientation to the important points found in step 3
  6. Identifying the key features uniquely.

More details on this website, and this book