
This repo will have the videos, outcomes and ideas from the one hour of open source stream.


This repo will have the videos, outcomes and ideas from the one hour of open source stream.

Day Process Video
1 this is the first day of one hour of open source, I started by looking at some code for OpenSauced and how I could check, from the struggle till finding the solution. 2 hours
2 today I worked on the Compilance project PR then in the rest of the time I checked open sauced and started wokring on popultaing PR links, I have struggled with few issues related to network and PC :) 2 hours
3 today just had to continue with the PR of yesterday, and solved it to get the link, I had to debug the issue and see why it's not working, you will see how to debug in VsCode and Chrome. Opened this PR 1 hour
4 worked on fixing the PR view issue in the extension and hung out with nickyTV and talked about chrome extensions 3 hours