Inside the project folder run:
npm install
This installs all necessary modules. If you add new modules to this project, please make sure to add your dependencies to packages.json You can then start the server with:
socketstream start
And enter the console with:
socketstream console
This Code is just a draft most of the stuff is not implemented yet. I started to create a DJ Model in Backbone that by now works with a ServerSide Redis Store. But is planed to work on both the Server and the Client.
By Now you can use{name: "a0n", email: "", pw: "insecure"}, function(response) {}) "XXX-XXX...." {pw: "lessinsecure"}, function(response) {}){email: "a0n", pw: "lessinsecure"})
to create a new DJ via Websockets. The Global SS variable is available on client and server. you can access it from the socketstream console AND from the console of your Browser
On the Socketstream Console you can Play with the DJ Backbone Model by requiring it. This model, by now, is only testet on the server side.
new_dj = new{name: "a0n", email: "", pw: "insecure"}){}, {error: function(model, err) {}, success: function(model, resp){} })
- To provide a fully opensource alternative to the service
- provide an api to register services global services
- provide an api to register dj user services
- provide a webapi search from the biggest video and audio streaming sites:
- soundcloud
- myspace *amazon
- youtube
- vimeo
- dailymotion
- mixcloud
DJs have a global feed. This feed includes their own blips and their account activity
Account activity includes
- new dj listenings
- probs on songs
- changes to blips
- DJs have a feed of blips they have received probs for
- DJs can subscribe to other DJs
- DJs get all blips from other DJs into their radiostream
- DJs can give probs to other djs blips
- DJs can reference other djs in the bliptext
- DJs can reference to # tags in the bliptext
- DJs can search and reference lyrics to the blip
Create Blip
if media exists
add blip to media:<<id>>.blips
create media with unique id
add media_id to medias set if the object exists increase the score
add blip to media:<<id>>.blips with the current date as score
Save blip with unique id
increase the blip count in dj:blip_count of creating dj
add blip to .blip_list of creating dj
publish blip to .changes of creating dj
save publish to .activity of creating dj
if bliptext includes tags
add tag to dj:<<id>>.tags set or increase score
add tag to tags set or increase score
add blip_id to tags:<<tagname>>.blips
publish blip to tags:<<tagname>>.changes
if dj name is inside blip text
add dj_id to dj:send_replies or increase score
add dj_id to dj:<<id>>.send_replies or increase score
for every dj name
add dj_id to dj:received_replies or increase scores
add dj_id to dj:<<id>>.received_replies or increase scores
publish blip to dj:<<id>>.changes as a received blip
save blip to dj:<<id>>.activity as a received blip
Delete Blip
if blip has a reblip_of attribute
remove blip_id from blip:<<reblip_of>>.reblips
remove blip from media:<<id>>.blips
Delete blip hash with unique id
decrease the blip count in dj:blip_count of creating dj
remove blip to .blip_list of creating dj
publish blip_change to .changes of creating dj
save publish to .activity of creating dj
if bliptext includes tags
remove tag to dj:<<id>>.tags set or decrease score
remove tag from tags set or decrease score
remove blip_id to tags:<<tagname>>.blips
publish blip_change to tags:<<tagname>>.changes
if dj name is inside blip text
remove dj_id from dj:send_replies or decrease score
remove dj_id from dj:<<id>>.send_replies or decrease score
for every dj name
remove dj_id to dj:received_replies or decrease scores
remove dj_id to dj:<<id>>.received_replies or decrease scores
publish blip_change to dj:<<id>>.changes as a removed blip
save blip_change to dj:<<id>>.activity as a received blip
Give Probs to a Blip
add "prob giving dj" id to blip:<<id>>.probs with current date as score
add blip id to the giving djs .given_probs list with date as score
add blip id to the receving djs .received_probs list with date as score
add or increase the receving DJ-ID in dj.received_prob_count
add or increase the giving DJ-ID in dj.given_prob_count
add prob as activity to the .activity of both djs (one for receiving one for giving)
publish prob activity to the .changes of both users
publish prob activity to the tag name .changes if tags are present
Follow a User
Add the id of the dj to follow to the .following list of the user that follows
Add the following event to the following djs .activity and publish through .changes
Add the id of the dj that follows to the .followers list of the dj that he follows
Add the getting followed event to the followed djs .activity and publish through .changes
Unfollow a User
Remove the id of the dj to follow to the .following list of the user that follows
Add the unfollowing event to the following djs .activity and publish through .changes
Remove the id of the dj that follows to the .followers list of the dj that he follows
Add the getting unfollowed event to the followed djs .activity and publish through .changes
dj:blip_count || Sorted Set of dj_ids BLIP_COUNT - DJ_ID
dj:received_prob_count || Sorted Set of dj_ids PROB_COUNT - DJ_ID
dj:given_prob_count || Sorted Set of dj_ids PROB_COUNT - DJ_ID
dj:send_replies || Sorted Set of dj_ids SEND_COUNT - DJ_ID
dj:received_replies || Sorted Set of dj_ids RECEIVED_COUNT - DJ_ID
dj:<<id>> || Hash {:name, :email, :password}
dj:<<id>>.activity || Sorted Set of activity json objects DATE - ACTIVITY
dj:<<id>>.changes || Pub Sub Channel for this Users changes
dj:<<id>>.tags || Sorted Set of tagnames used in djs blips COUNT_USED - TAG
dj:<<id>>.followers || Sorted Set of DJs how are Followers DATE - DJ_ID
dj:<<id>>.following || Sorted Set of DJs Following DATE - DJ_ID
dj:<<id>>.given_probs || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - BLIP_ID
dj:<<id>>.received_probs || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - BLIP_ID
dj:<<id>>.send_replies || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - BLIP_ID
dj:<<id>>.received_replies || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - BLIP_ID
dj:<<id>>.blip_list || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - BLIP_ID
blip:<<id>> || Hash {:text, :user_id, :media_id, :timestamps, :reblip_of}
blip:<<id>>.probs || Sorted Set of dj_ids DATE - DJ_ID
blip:<<id>>.reblips || Sorted Set of blip_ids REBLIP COUNT - BLIP_ID
tags || Sorted Set of used_tags TAG_COUNT - TAG
tag:<<tagname>>.blips || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - BLIP_ID
tag:<<tagname>>.djs || Sorted Set of dj_ids DATE - DJ_ID
tag:<<tagname>>.changes || Pub Sub Channel for all blips with this tag
medias || Sorted Set of media_ids BLIP_COUNT - ID
medias:<<id>> || Hash {:type, :source, :metadata => {:title, :artist, :album, :release_date etc}}
medias:<<id>>.blips || Sorted Set of blip_ids DATE - ID