
Convert Sigma Log File to a Training Center XML file.

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Converts a log file from Sigma Data Center v3 to Garmin TCX file.

$ ./bin/slf2tcx < 2014_09_04__07_21.slf > workout.tcx

Tested only with log files from Sigma ROX 6.0, no GPS data conversions are performed.


Combines data from a TCX workout and corresponding GPX track, recorded by some other device. For each track point in TCX at time t it samples GPX track at time t and stores position and elevation of the track in TCX.

$ cat workout.tcx | ./bin/tcx+gpx 'Track_2014-09-04 072023.gpx' > for_upload_to_strava.tcx

The conversion could be inaccurate:

  • Simple linear interpolation is used for sampling track points. Probably, it's fine as track points are close to each other.
  • Clock in a cycling computer without GPS receiver is likely off from the clock in a GPS device. Provided that the difference is significant, GPX track will be sampled at wrong points. A possible solution would be using cross correlation on elevation data from TCX and GPX, finding a proper lag and compensating for it.