NeRF-W Project Website

Adding videos

Large blobs such as videos are poorly supported in Git. For versioning videos, we use git lfs, a git plugin for large file storage. While this enables Github to store a video, it does not make the video easily accessible from the web. For hosting, we use Google Cloud Storage.

Here are the steps for adding a new video,

  1. Install git lfs on your system. This only needs to be done once. Follow instructions here.
  2. Add the video to this repository. If it's a .mp4 or .webm file, it'll automatically be tracked by git lfs. If not, add the filetype to .gitattributes in this repository.
  3. Use your normal git workflow to push changes to Github. When referring to videos in HTML, use links like instead of /videos/.... Note that VIDEOS WILL NOT LOAD until you complete the following steps.
  4. Upload the videos/ folder in this repository to the nerf-w-public GCS bucket. Only owners will have write access. You can upload videos with your web browser from here.