Alpine based Dockerfile to install olefy as a docker container.
Github Repository:
OLEFY_BINDADDRESS is already set to to listen to all interfaces and OLEFY_OLEVBA_PATH is set the correct path as well, this is done in the olefy .profile file.
Name | Desription | Default |
OLEFY_BINDPORT | Port that olefy listens on | 10050 |
OLEFY_TMPDIR | Temporary folder | /tmp |
OLEFY_PYTHON_PATH | Path of the python interpreter | /usr/bin/python3 |
OLEFY_MINLENGTH | Minimum size of file to scan | 500 |
OLEFY_DEL_TMP | Delete temp files after use | 1 |
OLEFY_DEL_TMP_FAILED | Delete temp files on failure | 1 |
TIMEZONE | For container, eg Europe/London | unset |
To run a container with tmpfs mount on /tmp
docker container run --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp -p 10050:10050 \
-d --name olefy a16bitsysop/olefy