- 12
截屏模块 和 某些命令 的问题。
#101 opened by 1457384613gh - 1
set fallback=1 it not work?
#94 opened by starzc-galaxy - 4
Wimboot.mod in UEFI mode loads only first image in wim file when index is not 1.
#99 opened by rradjab - 13
What changes can be upstreamed?
#97 opened by crass - 0
- 0
GRUB does not create menu entries
#95 opened by dennisr40 - 1
Port ntfs-3g to GRUB
#70 opened by a1ive - 1
how to build
#93 opened by vvw2wvv-live - 10
- 8
NTBOOT 没有启动动画
#91 opened by atmgnd - 10
menuentry --help-msg buggy
#89 opened by steve6375 - 2
- 1
在Ubuntu18.04 x86_64中编译aarch64
#88 opened by Tidus-Sun - 2
Request for injecting custom 'winpeshl_ventoy.ini' and 'start_ventoy.bat' to within from agFM Partition to X:/Windows/System32 folder.
#62 opened by devdevadev - 8
Question: dd status=progress?
#81 opened by DapperDeer - 0
Ignore floppies
#87 opened by a1ive - 20
getkey key codes for Ctrl+Shift+F
#82 opened by steve6375 - 1
#86 opened by sTeeLM - 1
Load SeaBIOS/TianoCore
#80 opened by a1ive - 0
add an option to load bootvhd.dll (i386-pc/ntboot)
#79 opened by a1ive - 1
put nointegritychecks to OSLOADER
#78 opened by a1ive - 8
Sometimes one menu entry icon is missing when theme used with no desktop-image defined
#61 opened by steve6375 - 6
Request: Disable menu 'c' and 'e' hotkeys
#75 opened by steve6375 - 6
warning: your core.img is unusually large. It won't fit in the embedding area.
#74 opened by niemtin007 - 11
vhd Boot fail
#69 opened by atmgnd - 5
- 3
- 1
How to build this project ?.
#68 opened by hoangdiemtinh - 7
Booting issue on Dell XPS 13 7390
#67 opened by theonetrueace - 3
NTBOOT with BCD parser
#66 opened by a1ive - 0
Incorrect blocklist on i386
#65 opened by a1ive - 2
Issue using wildcard * in filespecs
#63 opened by steve6375 - 6
Keyboard issues on MacBook (UEFI)
#60 opened by awak3n0n3 - 38
Add non-US keyboard support to read command
#57 opened by steve6375 - 2
- 2
How to rename FAT32 folder?
#58 opened by steve6375 - 12
Query: How to get RAM size of system
#55 opened by steve6375 - 12
- 0
Port mrsh to GRUB
#52 opened by a1ive - 4
- 0
- 2
- 5
- 8
Query: file string search?
#48 opened by steve6375 - 4
enhancement: set command can use partial match
#47 opened by steve6375 - 0
- 7
- 3
Need to get dword values from MBR (LBA0)
#44 opened by steve6375 - 3
Speed up blocklist and stat -c
#43 opened by steve6375 - 4
dd (proc) or blocksize issue?
#42 opened by steve6375