
A dynamic analysis framework for WebAssembly programs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Wasabi Build Status

⚠️ Note ⚠️

This fork enables to run Wasabi in Node.js by applying little changes to the runtime. For running Wasabi in the Browser visit the original Repo!

Tutorial at PLDI 2019

We offered a tutorial on how to use Wasabi for dynamically analyzing WebAssembly at PLDI 2019. Although the conference is now over, all the material is online at http://wasabi.software-lab.org/tutorial-pldi2019/. In particular, the slides are available here and the hands-on tasks are in this repo under tutorial/.

Installation from Source

  • Dependencies and tools

    • Git, CMake, and GCC or Clang for building the dependencies (those for sure, but possibly more)
    • Firefox >= 52 (which is what I use, or Chrome >= 57) for running WebAssembly
    • WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (WABT): wat2wasm/wasm2wat for converting Wasm binaries to/from text, wasm-objdump for inspecting binaries, and wasm-interp for a simple interpreter. (See https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt#cloning.)
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt
    cd wabt
    # add binaries to $PATH, e.g., by appending the following line to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc
    export PATH="path/to/your/wabt/bin:$PATH"
    # test
    > usage: wat2wasm [options] filename
    git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
    cd emsdk
    ./emsdk install latest
    ./emsdk activate latest
    # add emcc to $PATH, e.g., by appending the following line to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc
    # WARNING unfortunately, this also exports a quite old emscripten-included clang version,
    # so maybe do this manually before using emscripten and not for all shells. 
    source path/to/your/emsdk/emsdk_env.sh
    # test
    emcc --version
    > emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement) 1.38.1
    • Rust: cargo as Rust's package manager and build tool (no need to call rustc manually) and rustup for managing different Rust toolchain versions. See https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install. If there are build errors, please make sure you use a recent stable version of Rust.
    curl https://sh.rustup.rs -o rustup-init.sh
    # follow instructions (typically just enter 1 to proceed)
    # should automatically change ~/.profile to include the binaries in $PATH
    sh rustup-init.sh
    # test
    cargo --version
    > cargo 1.41.1-stable
  • Wasabi itself

git clone https://github.com/danleh/wasabi.git
cd wasabi
# download dependencies from https://crates.io, compile with optimizations, make wasabi binary available in $PATH
cargo install --path .

# test
> Error: expected at least one argument
> Usage: wasabi <input_wasm_file> [<output_dir>]

Alternative Setup via Docker

  • Thanks to ctfhacker for the Dockerfile contribution.
  • After having cloned this repo, you build the Docker image with
docker build --rm -t wasabi .
  • Once built, you can use the container via (assuming you have a hello.wasm file in your working directory)
> hello.wasm
docker run --rm -t -v `pwd`:/data  wasabi /data/hello.wasm /data

Usage Tutorial

  • Create WebAssembly programs

    • Manually:
    ;; paste into hello-manual.wat
      (import "host" "print" (func $i (param i32)))
      (func $somefun
        i32.const 42
        call $i)
      (export "somefun" (func $somefun))
    # assemble binary Wasm file
    wat2wasm hello-manual.wat
    # run binary (imported function host.print is provided by the interpreter)
    wasm-interp --host-print --run-all-exports hello-manual.wasm
    > called host host.print(i32:42) =>
    > somefun() =>
    • From C with Emscripten:
    // paste into hello.c
    #include <emscripten.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    void helloWorld() {
        printf("Hello, world!\n");
    # emscripten produces asm.js by default, so use WASM=1 flag
    # note that this generates 2 files: 
    # - hello.wasm: actual binary
    # - hello.js: glue code for compiling and running WebAssembly in Node.js
    emcc hello.c -s WASM=1 -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["cwrap"]' -o hello.js
    # (optional:) inspect the produced binary with wasm2wat or wasm-objdump
    wasm2wat hello.wasm -o hello.wat
    wasm-objdump hello.wasm -hdx | less
  • Apply Wasabi to WebAssembly programs in Node.js

    • Step 1: Instrument

      # start with C to Wasm (via Emscripten) project from previous point, that is:  
      > hello.c  hello.js  hello.wasm
      # instrument hello.wasm, produces 2 files:
      # - hello.wasm: instrumented replaced binary, with imported hooks and calls to these hooks inserted between instructions
      # - hello.wasabi.js: Wasabi loader, runtime, and generated program-dependent JavaScript (low-level monomorphized hooks and statically extracted information about the binary)
      wasabi hello.wasm -o .
    • Step 2: Analyze (Paste into run.js)

      // include the glue code generate by emscripten
      const Module = require('./hello.js');
      // include Wasabi object
      const WasabiConnect = require('./hello.wasabi.js');
      let Wasabi = WasabiConnect.Wasabi;
      // define analysis 
      Wasabi.analysis = {
          load(location, op, memarg, value) {
              console.log(location, op, "value =", value, "from =", memarg);
          store(location, op, memarg, value) {
              console.log(location, op, "value =", value, "to =", memarg);
          // ... see analyses/log-all.js for full instruction logging
      // wrap the WebAssembly function and execute it together with the analysis
      Module.onRuntimeInitialized = () => {
          helloWorld = Module.cwrap('helloWorld');
    • Step 3: Run

      # before executing it's necessary to add the long dependency as a npm package
      npm install long
      # execute with Node.js
      node run.js