
Solid dynamics supervised exercices @ Polytech Annecy engineering school

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MECA654 @ Polytech Annecy engineering school

Supervised exercices solutions in Sympy with Jupyter notebooks.
Code by Pierre Nagorny. Exercices by Eric Pairel.


Please fork/download & install for interactive notebooks
Exercices 7 - Spherical robot
Exercices 8 - Friction wheels
Exercices 9 - Cam mechanism
Exercices 10 - Movements and acceleration

Quickstart with Jupyter Notebooks


Install required packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting Jupyter

    jupyter notebook

Getting help



Basic vector calculus and linear algebra

Scalar and vector - @ABCUniv Brazil

Rigid body dynamics


Sympy (symbolic calculs in Python) and PyDy (complex rigid bodies)

Markdown & Latex memos and hints