
A deep ranking network that learns to find good compositions in a photograph.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

View Finding Network

This repository contains the dataset and scripts used in the following article:

Yi-Ling Chen, Jan Klopp, Min Sun, Shao-Yi Chien, Kwan-Liu Ma, "Learning to Compose with Professional Photographs on the Web", to appear in ACM Multimedia 2017.


You will need to have tensorflow (version > 1.6), skimage, tabulate, pillow installed on your system to run the scripts.

Download the dataset

  • Clone the repository to your local disk.
  • Under a command line window, run the following command to get the training images from Flickr:
$ python download_images.py -w 4

The above command will launch 4 worker threads to download the images to a default folder (./images).

Dataset size info

./images folder will go up to 1.6Go


Warning: TFRecords augmented dataset size
trn.tfrecords file will go up to 67Go. val.tfrecords file will go up to 16Go.

  • Run create_dbs.py to generate the TFRecords files used by Tensorflow.
  • Run vfn_train.py to start training.
$ python vfn_train.py --spp 0

The above example starts training with SPP disabled. Or you may want to enable SPP with either max or avg options.

$ python vfn_train.py --pooling max

Note that if you changed the output filenames when running create_dbs.py, you will need to provide the new filenames to vfn_train.py. Take a look at the script to check out other available parameters or run the following command.

$ python vfn_train.py -h


We provide the evaluation script to reproduce our evaluation results on Flickr cropping dataset. For example,

$ python vfn_eval.py --spp false --snapshot snapshots/model-wo-spp

You will need to get sliding_window.json and the test images from the Flickr cropping dataset and specify the path of your model when running vfn_eval.py. You can also try our pre-trained model, which can be downloaded from here.


If you have questions/suggestions, feel free to send an email to (yiling dot chen dot ntu at gmail dot com).

If this work helps your research, please cite the following article:

  title={Learning to Compose with Professional Photographs on the Web},
  author={Yi-Ling Chen and Jan Klopp and Min Sun and Shao-Yi Chien and Kwan-Liu Ma},
  booktitle={ACM Multimedia 2017},