#Capstone Project Proposal
###Description This web application will allow users to quickly and efficiently search for information on general vaccinations using various search filters. Users will also be able to create personal profiles in order update and store their immunization information, and the records of their family members. Users will be able to recieve emails and text message alerts for vaccination dose reminders.
- Javascript
- Express
- Node
- Sendgrid API
- A texting API
- Sass
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- Monk
- Angular
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
###MVP (2 parts)
Create an API! I must first compile all updated information on general vaccinations through available resources such as the CDC and Walgreens. Then I would like to create an API that I can pull all information from! This will require a data model plus information to input into my database platform
Use the API!
- Users can search through a list of vaccinations for all relevant information about the vaccine
- Users can filter their search by age, health condition, or special circumstance to find more personalized vaccination information
- Users can create profiles for themselves and family members in order to keep track of vaccinations/doses they have received
Users can filter vaccination search by travel destination and Length of stay in order to retrieve travel vaccination information
Users will recieve a text message and/or an email notification when they are due for a vaccination dose/booster
Users can choose to email their health summary - all they vaccination information
Users can search for the nearest clinic to retrieve their vaccinations
Users can see a live trending feed on any news and talk about vaccinations Users can see statistics on vaccinations and their effectiveness
###Project Constraints Organized information. Because there is yet an API that I have been able to find on vaccination information, building the API, calling on it and making sure it is updated with all the information necessary will be my most challenging and time consuming constraint.