Semantic Markup Exercise

To get started, fork and clone this repository.

The index.html document is marked up with many <div> and <span> tags. Examine their content and change them to semantic HTML tags.

Once you're finished, check your HTML document for errors with the W3C Markup Validation Service.

Success Criteria:

  1. HTML passes W3C validation
  2. Includes header, nav, main, footer, aside
  3. Includes ul and ols where appropriate

See the file for further details


  1. npm install
  2. npm test
  ✓ should have a header tag
  ✓ should have a nav tag
  ✓ should have a main tag
  ✓ should have a footer tag
  ✓ should have a ul tag
  ✓ should have a li tag

6 passing (17ms)