
Docker image for Mantis Bug Tracker https://www.mantisbt.org/

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MantisBT bug tracker Docker image

Docker image for Mantis Bug Tracker https://www.mantisbt.org/

Why this image?

There are some other alternative images exist already such as vimagick/mantisbt, xlrl/docker-mantisbt and a few others. Why do we need yet another image?

The reason is to combine all the useful features they have and add some missing ones. To list some:

  • Always latest MantisBT version.
  • Comes with the latest PHP version (7.4 as for today)
  • Allows to easily configure presence of admin service folder
  • Comes with built-in integration with Gitlab and Github source plugins
  • Example docker-compose.yml file provided for getting started in one click!
  • Easy customization of the config files and custom plugins without destroying data from base image
  • Consistent Dockerfile style following all best practices (ensured by Dockerfile lint)

Quick start

  • Download docker-compose.yml from this repo: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/okainov/mantisbt-docker/master/docker-compose.yaml
  • Check the environment variables (at least you need to set MASTER_SALT env variable, doc)
  • docker-compose up -d
  • Open browser at localhost:8989/admin/install.php and follow installation instructions, default out-of-the-box values are good to use. -- Ignore Config File Exists but Database does not warning and proceed installation
  • Log in as administrator/root (default credentials) and confugre whatever you need (typically you want to create your own Admin user and disable built-in "administrator" first)
  • Check MantisBT own's checks at localhost:8989/admin/. Note: several warnings are expected to be "WARN" due to issues in MantisBT, such as magic quotes warning (#26964) and "folder outside of web root" warnings (#21584))
  • When ready to move to production, either remove MANTIS_ENABLE_ADMIN env variable or set it to 0 - this will remove "admin" folder from the installation.

For further details refer to official documentation

Example docker-compose.yml

version: "3"

    # Pin the version for production usage!
    image: okainov/mantisbt:latest
    container_name: mantis_web
      - "8989:80"
      # Set master salt, typically can be generated by `cat /dev/urandom | head -c 64 | base64`
      #- MASTER_SALT=
      # Set base email settings. For more detailed configuration (i.e. SMTP) you'll need to add own config file
      - EMAIL_WEBMASTER=webmaster@localhost
      - EMAIL_FROM=webmaster@localhost
      - EMAIL_RETURN_PATH=webmaster@localhost
      # Uncomment only if modified from default values
      #- MYSQL_HOST=db
      #- MYSQL_DATABASE=bugtracker
      #- MYSQL_USER=mantis
      #- MYSQL_PASSWORD=mantis
      - db
    restart: always

    image: mysql:5.7
    container_name: mantis_db
      - ./db_data:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=bugtracker
      - MYSQL_USER=mantis
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=mantis
    command: ['mysqld', '--character-set-server=utf8mb4', '--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci']


Custom config settings

If you need to customize more options in config, create config_inc_addon.php file and mount it to /var/www/html/config/config_inc_addon.php in container. This fill will be added to default config_inc.php. Mounting it will allow you to see the changes instantly without rebuilding/restarting the container.

Some of the typical settings you might want to change:

$g_window_title = 'Title of your MantisBT instance';

// Default is useless 5 minutes
$g_reauthentication_expiry = 60 * 60;

// Increase upload file size from default 5MB
$g_max_file_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

// Enable anonymous access

$g_allow_anonymous_login = true;
$g_anonymous_account = 'anonymous';


There are following env variables supported:

  • EMAIL_WEBMASTER - maps to g_webmaster_email
  • EMAIL_FROM - maps to g_from_email
  • EMAIL_RETURN_PATH - maps to g_return_path_email

Those are good enough to start with. Going further, to configure SMTP you might need to create custom config (as described above) with the values like:

$g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;
$g_smtp_host = 'mail.domain.com';
$g_smtp_username = 'mail@domain.com';
$g_smtp_password = 'FILLME';

More details are available in official documentation

Custom plugins

In order to add your own custom plugins into the image, either create your own Dockerfile and copy extra plugins to /var/www/html/plugins/ or add volume in docker-compose to mount extra plugin directly inside existing image ./custom_plugin/:/var/www/html/plugins/custom_plugin/