
A simple down-to-earth GUI frontend developed in Python3 for simple admin tasks on MySQL-Server running on the localhost. Developed for my CS School Project.

Primary LanguagePython

MySQL-Frontend-GUI for Linux

A simple down-to-earth GUI frontend developed in Python3 for simple admin tasks on MySQL-Server running on the localhost. Developed for my CS School Project.

What's different

This branch now has its GUI optimised for Linux systems using the fonts provided by MS. Other than that, there's hardly any difference.

System Requirements

This program should run on your Linux computer with Python3, MySQL Server, and the below-mentioned Python Libraries installed in the virtual environment.

Installation pre-requisites

  1. The Following Python Libraries are required to execute the program:

    • pyqt5
    • pyqt5-tools
    • mysql-connector
      These libraries are available in the project's (.venv) virtual environment.
  2. MySQL/MariaDB-Server with v5.1 and above, active and running.

Installation and Running

  1. Download the entire repo contents as a .zip and extract it in a folder on your computer, or you can also clone the repository URL by running the command git clone <repository-url>.
  2. Enable the venv by running the appropriate shell script fount in ./.venv/bin/<activate_shell_script>
  3. Execute the python file MySQL-Frontend_v2.0XX.py on your Python shell.
  4. You are done.
  5. Or just execute the MySQL Frontend Executable using the soft link file in the repo.

Quick guide on the credentials

The credentials used to login are:

Username: root

Password: <the password set by you on installation>