
Solution for mastermind challenge. Play it in your console!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents

Game Overview

Mastermind is a two-player code-breaking game where one player makes a secret code of four marbles from a set of six different colored marbles and another player tries to guess the code as quickly as possible. (Read more about the game here.)

I created this program to mimic the game. My program allows the user to create a secret Mastermind code and then the computer guesses the correct code within 10 turns.

How to Play

This game can only be played in a python console. First, fork this repository and clone your repo to your computer.

$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR_GIT_USERNAME_GOES_HERE/mastermind.git

Now, go ahead and play! You will be prompted to select four colors from a set of six possibilities (R, Y, O, P, W, or B) after you enter this in your command line.

$ python mastermind.py

Make sure you are in the correct folder before calling 'python mastermind.py'


  • You select any combination of 4 of the 6 possible colors (e.g., 'RRRR', POOW', 'BWYB', or 'BWRP') to create a secret code

  • Player 2 (or the computer) will get one black peg for every correct color in a correct spot and one white peg for every correct color in an incorrect spot

  • Player 2 must guess the secret guess (or receive 4 black pegs) in less than 10 tries


Created by @getLaura as an exercise for 8th Light's Apprentice program.