
Convert toggl time entries into harvest timecards

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A tool to convert Toggl time entries into Harvest timesheet entries.


Primarily this tool is meant for people who use Toggl to track their time spent on a task, but also want to use Harvest to track budgets and handle invoicing etc..

So, you'll need the following:

  • Python 3
  • Toggl account
  • Harvest account

You'll also need to obtain api keys for either account:


git clone git@github.com:a3ng7n/timesheet-sync.git
cd timesheet-sync/
pip install -r requirements.txt


There are unfortunately quite a few args, but hey, what can you do:

python timesheetsync.py [-h] [-tk TOGGL_KEY] [-url HARVEST_URL]
                    [-hai HARVEST_ACCOUNT_ID] [-hk HARVEST_KEY]
                    [-hem HARVEST_EMAIL]
                    [-d DAYS | -dr DATERANGE [DATERANGE ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -tk TOGGL_KEY, --toggl-key TOGGL_KEY
                        toggl api key
  -url HARVEST_URL, --harvest-url HARVEST_URL
                        harvest url
  -hai HARVEST_ACCOUNT_ID, --harvest-account-id HARVEST_ACCOUNT_ID
                        harvest account id
  -hk HARVEST_KEY, --harvest-key HARVEST_KEY
                        harvest api key
  -hem HARVEST_EMAIL, --harvest-email HARVEST_EMAIL
                        the email address associated with your harvest user to
                        create new time entries under

  Time bounds of syncronization. If neither are given, assumes 365 days in
  the past to today.

  -d DAYS, --days DAYS  integer # of days in the past, from today, to sync for
                        Two dates bounding inclusively the dates to sync for,
                        separated by a space. No required order. If only one
                        date is given, assumes bounds are from that date to

For help, do the usual:

python timesheetsync.py --help
