
Scan a host for open HTTP ports and gain information about the services present.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Scan a host for open HTTP ports and gain information about the services present.


pip -r requirements.txt


usage: httpscan [-h] [--json] [--all] [--print_headers] [--print_body] [--user_agent USER_AGENT] [--origin ORIGIN]
                [--path PATH] [--http_ports_file HTTP_PORTS_FILE] [--ssl_ports_file SSL_PORTS_FILE]
                [--headers_file HEADERS_FILE] [--add_headers_file ADD_HEADERS_FILE] [--socket_timeout SOCKET_TIMEOUT]
                [--response_timeout RESPONSE_TIMEOUT] [--threads THREADS] [--follow_redirects]
                [--max_redirects MAX_REDIRECTS] [--silence_updates] [--check_version]

Scan a host for open HTTP ports and gain information about the services present.

positional arguments:
  host                  [Host To Scan] The domain to scan. EX: example.com.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json                [JSON Override] Print raw JSON output instead of shell presentation.
  --all                 [Save All] Print each port's status, not just open ones.
  --print_headers       [Shell] Print HTTP response headers along with existing output.
  --print_body          [Shell] Print HTTP response body along with existing output.
  --user_agent USER_AGENT
                        [Request Header] Arbitrarily set your user-agent request-header. EX: --user_agent="Mozilla/5.0
                        (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103
  --origin ORIGIN       [Request Header] Arbitrarily set the origin request-header. EX:
  --path PATH           [Request Header] Arbitrarily set the path request-header. EX: --path="/".
  --http_ports_file HTTP_PORTS_FILE
                        [Resource] File name of JSON array of HTTP ports to scan. Default:
  --ssl_ports_file SSL_PORTS_FILE
                        [Resource] File name of JSON array of HTTPS ports to scan. Default:
  --headers_file HEADERS_FILE
                        [Resource] File name of JSON array of HTTP request headers to use. Default:
  --add_headers_file ADD_HEADERS_FILE
                        [Resource] File name of JSON array of HTTP request headers to add to existing headers.
                        Default: httpscan/resources/add_http_headers.json
  --socket_timeout SOCKET_TIMEOUT
                        [Tuning] Timeout in seconds (float) until socket connection establishment effort is aborted.
  --response_timeout RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
                        [Tuning] Timeout in seconds (float) until current socket connection is aborted while waiting
                        for response.
  --threads THREADS     [Tuning] Number of threads to use for scanning. Default: 1.
  --follow_redirects    [Tuning] Follow redirects; Default: False.
  --max_redirects MAX_REDIRECTS
                        [Tuning] Max amount of redirects. "--follow_redirects" must be enabled. Default: 5.
  --silence_updates     [Overrides] Hides/ignores new update notifications. Default: False.
  --check_version       [Utilities] Prints version + checks for updates then exits.

Example: python3 httpscan.py example.com | python3 httpscan.py -h

Service Tagging:

Example Uses:

python3 httpscan github.com --all

python3 httpscan github.com --json

Other Uses:

python3 httpscan example.com --print_headers --print_body

python3 httpscan example.com --print_headers --print_body --all

python3 httpscan example.com --print_headers --print_body --all --user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"

python3 httpscan example.com --all --json --user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"

python3 httpscan example.com --all --json --add_headers_file=moreHeaders.json

python3 httpscan example.com --origin="https://example.com" --path=/test"" --all --json