
📂 Course Work Project done for CS333 (Computer Networks)

Primary LanguagePython

CS333 Computer Networks - Homework 3


Python version: 3.6.9 Libraries: Tkinter with ttk extension (for GUI)

How to use?

  1. Launch server.py and write the port number on which server should operate.
  2. Launch client.py and connect to File Tracker Server using information from step 1. Also, choose available port number for client.
  3. Once connected your files in "/files" will be available to other peers.
  4. Try to search for a file, note that name of the file has to be an exact much. For example if you want to download "dog_in_park" file, then type "dog_in_park", "dog_in_" will return an empty result
  5. Press "Download" button, file will be saved in "/downloads" which has be located in the same directory as "client.py"


Client GUI (Tkinter)