
Common and useful utils for the Go project development.

Primary LanguageGo

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Common and useful utils for the Go project development.

1. Inclusion criteria

  • Only rely on the Go standard package
  • Functions or lightweight packages
  • Non-business related general tools

2. Contents

  • BitSet A bit set
  • Calendar Chinese Lunar Calendar, Solar Calendar and cron time rules
  • Cmder Cmder exec cmd and catch the result
  • CoarseTime Current time truncated to the nearest 100ms
  • Errors Improved errors package.
  • Graceful Shutdown or reboot current process gracefully.
  • GoPool Goroutines' pool
  • HTTPBody HTTP body builder
  • ResPool Resources' pool
  • Tpack Go underlying type data
  • Workshop Non-blocking asynchronous multiplex resource pool
  • Password Check password
  • Various Various small functions
  • Versioning Version comparison tool that conforms to semantic version 2.0.0

3. UtilsAPI


A bit set.

  • import it

  • New creates a bit set object.

    func New(init ...byte) *BitSet
  • NewFromHex creates a bit set object from hex string.

    func NewFromHex(s string) (*BitSet, error)
  • Not returns ^b.

    func (b *BitSet) Not() *BitSet
  • And returns all the "AND" bit sets.
    If the bitSets are empty, returns b.

    func (b *BitSet) And(bitSets ...*BitSet) *BitSet
  • Or returns all the "OR" bit sets.
    If the bitSets are empty, returns b.

    func (b *BitSet) Or(bitSet ...*BitSet) *BitSet
  • Xor returns all the "XOR" bit sets.
    If the bitSets are empty, returns b.

    func (b *BitSet) Xor(bitSet ...*BitSet) *BitSet
  • AndNot returns all the "&^" bit sets.
    If the bitSets are empty, returns b.

    func (b *BitSet) AndNot(bitSet ...*BitSet) *BitSet
  • Set sets the bit bool value on the specified offset, and returns the value of before setting.
    0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on;
    If offset>=len(b.set), automatically grow the bit set;
    If the bit offset is out of the left range, returns error.

    func (b *BitSet) Set(offset int, value bool) (bool, error)
  • Get gets the bit bool value on the specified offset.
    0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on;
    If offset>=len(b.set), returns false.

    func (b *BitSet) Get(offset int) bool
  • Range calls f sequentially for each bit present in the bit set.
    If f returns false, range stops the iteration.

    func (b *BitSet) Range(f func(offset int, truth bool) bool) 
  • Count counts the amount of bit set to 1 within the specified range of the bit set.
    0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on.

    func (b *BitSet) Count(start, end int) int
  • Clear clears the bit set.

    func (b *BitSet) Clear()
  • Size returns the bits size.

    func (b *BitSet) Size() int
  • Bytes returns the bit set copy bytes.

    func (b *BitSet) Bytes() []byte
  • Binary returns the bit set by binary type.
    Paramter sep is the separator between chars.

    func (b *BitSet) Binary(sep string) string
  • String returns the bit set by hex type.

    func (b *BitSet) String() string
  • Sub returns the bit subset within the specified range of the bit set.
    0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on.

    func (b *BitSet) Sub(start, end int) *BitSet


Chinese Lunar Calendar, Solar Calendar and cron time rules.

  • import it


Calendar details


Exec cmd and catch the result.

  • import it

  • Run exec cmd and catch the result.
    Waits for the given command to finish with a timeout.
    If the command times out, it attempts to kill the process.

    func Run(cmdLine string, timeout ...time.Duration) *Result


The current time truncated to the nearest second.

  • import it

  • FloorTimeNow returns the current time from the range (now-100ms,now]. This is a faster alternative to time.Now().

    func FloorTimeNow() time.Time
  • CeilingTimeNow returns the current time from the range [now,now+100ms). This is a faster alternative to time.Now().

    func CeilingTimeNow() time.Time


Errors is improved errors package.

  • import it

  • New returns an error that formats as the given text.

    func New(text string) error
  • Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a value that satisfies error.

    func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error
  • Merge merges multi errors.

    func Merge(errs ...error) error
  • Append appends multiple errors to the error.

    func Append(err error, errs ...error) error


Shutdown or reboot current process gracefully.

  • import it

  • GraceSignal open graceful shutdown or reboot signal.

    func GraceSignal()
  • SetShutdown sets the function which is called after the process shutdown, and the time-out period for the process shutdown. If 0<=timeout<5s, automatically use 'MinShutdownTimeout'(5s). If timeout<0, indefinite period. 'firstSweepFunc' is first executed. 'beforeExitingFunc' is executed before process exiting.

    func SetShutdown(timeout time.Duration, firstSweepFunc, beforeExitingFunc func() error)
  • Shutdown closes all the frame process gracefully. Parameter timeout is used to reset time-out period for the process shutdown.

    func Shutdown(timeout ...time.Duration)
  • Reboot all the frame process gracefully.
    Windows system are not supported!

    func Reboot(timeout ...time.Duration)
  • AddInherited adds the files and envs to be inherited by the new process.
    Only for reboot!
    Windows system are not supported!

    func AddInherited(procFiles []*os.File, envs []*Env)
  • Logger logger interface

    Logger interface {
        Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
        Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
  • SetLog resets logger

    func SetLog(logger Logger)


GoPool is a Goroutines pool. It can control concurrent numbers, reuse goroutines.

  • import it

  • GoPool executes concurrently incoming function via a pool of goroutines in FILO order, i.e. the most recently stopped goroutine will execute the next incoming function. Such a scheme keeps CPU caches hot (in theory).

    type GoPool struct {
        // Has unexported fields.
  • NewGoPool creates a new *GoPool. If maxGoroutinesAmount<=0, will use default value. If maxGoroutineIdleDuration<=0, will use default value.

    func NewGoPool(maxGoroutinesAmount int, maxGoroutineIdleDuration time.Duration) *GoPool
  • Go executes the function via a goroutine. If returns non-nil, the function cannot be executed because exceeded maxGoroutinesAmount limit.

    func (gp *GoPool) Go(fn func()) error
  • TryGo tries to execute the function via goroutine. If there are no concurrent resources, execute it synchronously.

    func (gp *GoPool) TryGo(fn func())
  • Stop starts GoPool. If calling 'Go' after calling 'Stop', will no longer reuse goroutine.

    func (gp *GoPool) Stop()


HTTP body builder.

  • import it

  • NewFormBody returns form request content type and body reader.
    @values format: <fieldName,[value]>
    @files format: <fieldName,[fileName]>

    func NewFormBody(values, files url.Values) (contentType string, bodyReader io.Reader, err error)
  • NewFormBody2 returns form request content type and body reader.
    @values format: <fieldName,[value]>
    @files format: <fieldName,[File]>

    func NewFormBody2(values url.Values, files Files) (contentType string, bodyReader io.Reader)
  • NewFile creates a file for HTTP form.

    func NewFile(name string, bodyReader io.Reader) File
  • NewJSONBody returns JSON request content type and body reader.

    NewJSONBody(v interface{}) (contentType string, bodyReader io.Reader, err error)
  • NewXMLBody returns XML request content type and body reader.

    NewXMLBody(v interface{}) (contentType string, bodyReader io.Reader, err error)


ResPool is a high availability/high concurrent resource pool, which automatically manages the number of resources. So it is similar to database/sql's db pool.

  • import it

  • ResPool is a pool of zero or more underlying avatar(resource). It's safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. ResPool creates and frees resource automatically; it also maintains a free pool of idle avatar(resource).

    type ResPool interface {
        // Name returns the name.
        Name() string
        // Get returns a object in Resource type.
        Get() (Resource, error)
        // GetContext returns a object in Resource type.
        // Support context cancellation.
        GetContext(context.Context) (Resource, error)
        // Put gives a resource back to the ResPool.
        // If error is not nil, close the avatar.
        Put(Resource, error)
        // Callback callbacks your handle function, returns the error of getting resource or handling.
        // Support recover panic.
        Callback(func(Resource) error) error
        // Callback callbacks your handle function, returns the error of getting resource or handling.
        // Support recover panic and context cancellation.
        CallbackContext(context.Context, func(Resource) error) error
        // SetMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a resource may be reused.
        // Expired resource may be closed lazily before reuse.
        // If d <= 0, resource are reused forever.
        SetMaxLifetime(d time.Duration)
        // SetMaxIdle sets the maximum number of resources in the idle
        // resource pool.
        // If SetMaxIdle is greater than 0 but less than the new MaxIdle
        // then the new MaxIdle will be reduced to match the SetMaxIdle limit
        // If n <= 0, no idle resources are retained.
        SetMaxIdle(n int)
        // SetMaxOpen sets the maximum number of open resources.
        // If MaxIdle is greater than 0 and the new MaxOpen is less than
        // MaxIdle, then MaxIdle will be reduced to match the new
        // MaxOpen limit
        // If n <= 0, then there is no limit on the number of open resources.
        // The default is 0 (unlimited).
        SetMaxOpen(n int)
        // Close closes the ResPool, releasing any open resources.
        // It is rare to close a ResPool, as the ResPool handle is meant to be
        // long-lived and shared between many goroutines.
        Close() error
        // Stats returns resource statistics.
        Stats() ResPoolStats
  • NewResPool creates ResPool.

    func NewResPool(name string, newfunc func(context.Context) (Resource, error)) ResPool
  • Resource is a resource that can be stored in the ResPool.

    type Resource interface {
        // SetAvatar stores the contact with resPool
        // Do not call it yourself, it is only called by (*ResPool).get, and will only be called once
        // GetAvatar gets the contact with resPool
        // Do not call it yourself, it is only called by (*ResPool).Put
        GetAvatar() *Avatar
        // Close closes the original source
        // No need to call it yourself, it is only called by (*Avatar).close
        Close() error
  • Avatar links a Resource with a mutex, to be held during all calls into the Avatar.

    type Avatar struct {
        // Has unexported fields.
  • Free releases self to the ResPool. If error is not nil, close it.

    func (avatar *Avatar) Free(err error)
  • ResPool returns ResPool to which it belongs.

    func (avatar *Avatar) ResPool() ResPool
  • ResPools stores ResPool.

    type ResPools struct {
        // Has unexported fields.
  • NewResPools creates a new ResPools.

    func NewResPools() *ResPools
  • Clean delects and close all the ResPools.

    func (c *ResPools) Clean()
  • Del delects ResPool by name, and close the ResPool.

    func (c *ResPools) Del(name string)
  • Get gets ResPool by name.

    func (c *ResPools) Get(name string) (ResPool, bool)
  • GetAll gets all the ResPools.

    func (c *ResPools) GetAll() []ResPool
  • Set stores ResPool. If the same name exists, will close and cover it.

    func (c *ResPools) Set(pool ResPool)


Go underlying type data.

  • import it

  • doc

    // U go underlying type data
    type U struct {
        // Has unexported fields.
    // Unpack unpacks i to go underlying type data.
    func Unpack(i interface{}) U
    // From gets go underlying type data from reflect.Value.
    func From(v reflect.Value) U
    // RuntimeTypeID gets the underlying type ID in current runtime from reflect.Type.
    // NOTE:
    //  *A and A gets the same runtime type ID;
    //  It is 10 times performance of t.String().
    func RuntimeTypeID(t reflect.Type) int32
    // RuntimeTypeID gets the underlying type ID in current runtime.
    // NOTE:
    //  *A and A gets the same runtime type ID;
    //  It is 10 times performance of reflect.TypeOf(i).String().
    func (u U) RuntimeTypeID() int32
    // Kind gets the reflect.Kind fastly.
    func (u U) Kind() reflect.Kind
    // Elem returns the U that the interface i contains
    // or that the pointer i points to.
    func (u U) Elem() U
    // UnderlyingElem returns the underlying U that the interface i contains
    // or that the pointer i points to.
    func (u U) UnderlyingElem() U
    // Pointer gets the pointer of i.
    // NOTE:
    //  *T and T, gets diffrent pointer
    func (u U) Pointer() uintptr
    // IsNil reports whether its argument i is nil.
    func (u U) IsNil() bool
    // FuncForPC returns a *Func describing the function that contains the
    // given program counter address, or else nil.
    // If pc represents multiple functions because of inlining, it returns
    // the a *Func describing the innermost function, but with an entry
    // of the outermost function.
    // NOTE: Its kind must be a reflect.Func, otherwise it returns nil
    func (u U) FuncForPC() *runtime.Func


Non-blocking asynchronous multiplex resource pool.

Conditions of Use:

  • Limited resources
  • Resources can be multiplexed non-blockingly and asynchronously
  • Typical application scenarios, such as connection pool for asynchronous communication


  • The longer the business is, the more obvious the performance improvement.
    If the service is executed for 1ms each time, the performance is improved by about 4 times;
    If the business is executed for 10ms each time, the performance is improved by about 28 times

  • The average time spent on each operation will not change significantly,
    but the overall throughput is greatly improved

  • import it

  • Type definition

    type (
        // Worker woker interface
        // Note: Worker can not be implemented using empty structures(struct{})!
        Worker interface {
            Health() bool
            Close() error
        // Workshop working workshop
        Workshop struct {
            // Has unexported fields.
  • NewWorkshop creates a new workshop(non-blocking asynchronous multiplex resource pool).
    If maxQuota<=0, will use default value.
    If maxIdleDuration<=0, will use default value.
    Worker can not be implemented using empty structures(struct{})!

    func NewWorkshop(maxQuota int, maxIdleDuration time.Duration, newWorkerFunc func() (Worker, error)) *Workshop
  • Close wait for all the work to be completed and close the workshop.

    func (w *Workshop) Close()
  • Callback assigns a healthy worker to execute the function.

    func (w *Workshop) Callback(fn func(Worker) error) error
  • Fire marks the worker to reduce a job.
    If the worker does not belong to the workshop, close the worker.

    func (w *Workshop) Fire(worker Worker)
  • Hire hires a healthy worker and marks the worker to add a job.

    func (w *Workshop) Hire() (Worker, error)
  • Stats returns the current workshop stats.

    func (w *Workshop) Stats() *WorkshopStats


Password check password.

  • import it

  • CheckPassword checks if the password matches the format requirements.

    func CheckPassword(pw string, flag Flag, minLen int, maxLen ...int) bool


Various small functions.

  • import it

  • BytesToString convert []byte type to string type.

    func BytesToString(b []byte) string
  • StringToBytes convert string type to []byte type.
    NOTE: panic if modify the member value of the []byte.

    func StringToBytes(s string) []byte
  • SpaceInOne combines multiple consecutive space characters into one.

    func SpaceInOne(s string) string
  • NewRandom creates a new padded Encoding defined by the given alphabet string.

    func NewRandom(alphabet string) *Random
  • RandomBytes returns securely generated random bytes. It will panic if the system's secure random number generator fails to function correctly.

    func RandomBytes(n int) []byte
  • URLRandomString returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded securely generated
    random string. It will panic if the system's secure random number generator
    fails to function correctly.
    The length n must be an integer multiple of 4, otherwise the last character will be padded with =.

    func URLRandomString(n int) string
  • CamelString converts the accepted string to a camel string (xx_yy to XxYy)

    func CamelString(s string) string
  • SnakeString converts the accepted string to a snake string (XxYy to xx_yy)

    func SnakeString(s string) string
  • ObjectName gets the type name of the object

    func ObjectName(obj interface{}) string
  • GetCallLine gets caller line information.

    func GetCallLine(calldepth int) string 
  • JsQueryEscape escapes the string in javascript standard so it can be safely placed inside a URL query.

    func JsQueryEscape(s string) string
  • JsQueryUnescape does the inverse transformation of JsQueryEscape, converting %AB into the byte 0xAB and '+' into ' ' (space).
    It returns an error if any % is not followed by two hexadecimal digits.

    func JsQueryUnescape(s string) (string, error)
  • Map is a concurrent map with loads, stores, and deletes.
    It is safe for multiple goroutines to call a Map's methods concurrently.

    type Map interface {
        // Load returns the value stored in the map for a key, or nil if no
        // value is present.
        // The ok result indicates whether value was found in the map.
        Load(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
        // Store sets the value for a key.
        Store(key, value interface{})
        // LoadOrStore returns the existing value for the key if present.
        // Otherwise, it stores and returns the given value.
        // The loaded result is true if the value was loaded, false if stored.
        LoadOrStore(key, value interface{}) (actual interface{}, loaded bool)
        // Range calls f sequentially for each key and value present in the map.
        // If f returns false, range stops the iteration.
        Range(f func(key, value interface{}) bool)
        // Random returns a pair kv randomly.
        // If exist=false, no kv data is exist.
        Random() (key, value interface{}, exist bool)
        // Delete deletes the value for a key.
        Delete(key interface{})
        // Clear clears all current data in the map.
        // Len returns the length of the map.
        Len() int
  • RwMap creates a new concurrent safe map with sync.RWMutex.
    The normal Map is high-performance mapping under low concurrency conditions.

    func RwMap(capacity ...int) Map
  • AtomicMap creates a concurrent map with amortized-constant-time loads, stores, and deletes.
    It is safe for multiple goroutines to call a atomicMap's methods concurrently. From go v1.9 sync.Map.

    func AtomicMap() Map
  • SelfPath gets compiled executable file absolute path.

    func SelfPath() string
  • SelfDir gets compiled executable file directory.

    func SelfDir() string
  • RelPath gets relative path.

    func RelPath(targpath string) string
  • SelfChdir switch the working path to my own path.

    func SelfChdir()
  • FileExists reports whether the named file or directory exists.

    func FileExists(name string) bool
  • SearchFile Search a file in paths.
    This is often used in search config file in /etc ~/

    func SearchFile(filename string, paths ...string) (fullpath string, err error)
  • GrepFile like command grep -E.
    For example: GrepFile(^hello, "hello.txt"). \n is striped while read

    func GrepFile(patten string, filename string) (lines []string, err error)
  • WalkDirs traverses the directory, return to the relative path.
    You can specify the suffix.

    func WalkDirs(targpath string, suffixes ...string) (dirlist []string)
  • IsExportedOrBuiltinType is this type exported or a builtin?

    func IsExportedOrBuiltinType(t reflect.Type) bool
  • IsExportedName is this an exported - upper case - name?

    func IsExportedName(name string) bool
  • PanicTrace trace panic stack info.

    func PanicTrace(kb int) []byte
  • ExtranetIP get external IP addr.
    NOTE: Query IP information from the service API: http://pv.sohu.com/cityjson?ie=utf-8

    func ExtranetIP() (ip string, err error)
  • IntranetIP get internal IP addr.

    func IntranetIP() (string, error)
  • Md5 returns the MD5 checksum string of the data.

    func Md5(b []byte) string
  • AESEncrypt encrypts a piece of data.
    The cipherkey argument should be the AES key, either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.

    func AESEncrypt(cipherkey, src []byte) []byte
  • AESDecrypt decrypts a piece of data.
    The cipherkey argument should be the AES key, either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.

    func AESDecrypt(cipherkey, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
  • WritePidFile writes the current PID to the specified file.

    func WritePidFile(pidFile ...string)
  • SetToStrings sets a element to the string set.

    func SetToStrings(set []string, a string) []string
  • RemoveFromStrings removes a element from the string set.

    func RemoveFromStrings(set []string, a string) []string
  • RemoveAllFromStrings removes all the a element from the string set.

    func RemoveAllFromStrings(set []string, a string) []string
  • SetToInts sets a element to the int set.

    func SetToInts(set []int, a int) []int
  • RemoveFromInts removes a element from the int set.

    func RemoveFromInts(set []int, a int) []int
  • RemoveAllFromInts removes all the a element from the int set.

    func RemoveAllFromInts(set []int, a int) []int
  • SetToInt32s sets a element to the int32 set.

    func SetToInt32s(set []int32, a int32) []int32
  • RemoveFromInt32s removes a element from the int32 set.

    func RemoveFromInt32s(set []int32, a int32) []int32
  • RemoveAllFromInt32s removes all the a element from the int32 set.

    func RemoveAllFromInt32s(set []int32, a int32) []int32
  • SetToInt64s sets a element to the int64 set.

    func SetToInt64s(set []int64, a int64) []int64
  • RemoveFromInt64s removes a element from the int64 set.

    func RemoveFromInt64s(set []int64, a int64) []int64
  • RemoveAllFromInt64s removes all the a element from the int64 set.

    func RemoveAllFromInt64s(set []int64, a int64) []int64
  • SetToInterfaces sets a element to the interface{} set.

    func SetToInterfaces(set []interface{}, a interface{}) []interface{}
  • RemoveFromInterfaces removes a element from the interface{} set.

    func RemoveFromInterfaces(set []interface{}, a interface{}) []interface{}
  • RemoveAllFromInterfaces removes all the a element from the interface{} set.

    func RemoveAllFromInterfaces(set []interface{}, a interface{}) []interface{}
  • GetFirstGopath gets the first $GOPATH value.

    func GetFirstGopath(allowAutomaticGuessing bool) (goPath string, err error)
  • TarGz compresses and archives tar.gz file.

    func TarGz(src, dst string, includePrefix bool, logOutput func(string, ...interface{}), ignoreBaseName ...string) (err error)
  • TarGzTo compresses and archives tar.gz to dst writer.

    TarGzTo(src string, dstWriter io.Writer, includePrefix bool, logOutput func(string, ...interface{}), ignoreBaseName ...string) (err error)


Version comparison tool that conforms to semantic version 2.0.0.

  • import it

  • Create creates a semantic version object.

    func Create(major, minor, patch uint32, metadata string) *SemVer
  • Parse parses the semantic version string to object.
    If metadata part exists, the separator must not be a number.

    func Parse(semVer string) *SemVer
  • Compare compares 'a' and 'b'.
    The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.
    If compareMetadata==nil, will not compare metadata.

    func Compare(a, b string, compareMetadata func(aMeta, bMeta string) int) int
  • Compare compares whether 's' and 'semVer'.
    The result will be 0 if s==semVer, -1 if s < semVer, and +1 if s > semVer.
    If compareMetadata==nil, will not compare metadata.

    func (s *SemVer) Compare(semVer *SemVer, compareMetadata func(sMeta, semVerMeta string) int) int
  • Major returns the version major.

    func (s *SemVer) Major() string
  • Minor returns the version minor.

    func (s *SemVer) Minor() string
  • Patch returns the version patch.

    func (s *SemVer) Patch() string
  • Metadata returns the version metadata.
    1.0.0-alpha+001 => -alpha+001
    1.0.0+20130313144700 => +20130313144700
    1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85 => -beta+exp.sha.5114f85
    1.0.0rc => rc

    func (s *SemVer) Metadata() string
  • Metadata returns the version metadata.

    func (s *SemVer) String() string