
Vue插件,很方便的在Vue中使用local storage, session storage和memory storage,源于vue-ls插件,并在上面支持了vue3功能

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vue 2.x and 3.x plugin for work with local storage, session storage and memory storage from Vue context,Inspired by vue-ls

Vue version support

Vue 2.x and 3.x



npm install vue-lsp --save


yarn add vue-lsp


Vue2 storage API.

import Storage from 'vue-lsp';

options = {
  namespace: 'vuejs__', // key prefix
  name: 'ls', // name variable Vue.[ls] or this.[$ls],
  storage: 'local', // storage name session, local, memory

Vue.use(Storage, options);


new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    mounted: function() {
        Vue.ls.set('foo', 'boo');
        //Set expire for item
        Vue.ls.set('foo', 'boo', 60 * 60 * 1000); //expiry 1 hour
        Vue.ls.get('boo', 10); //if not set boo returned default 10
        let callback = (val, oldVal, uri) => {
          console.log('localStorage change', val);
        Vue.ls.on('foo', callback) //watch change foo key and triggered callback
        Vue.ls.off('foo', callback) //unwatch

Vue3 storage API.

// main.js
import Storage from 'vue-lsp';
import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App)

app.use(Storage, {
    namespace: 'vuejs__', // key prefix
    name: 'ls', // name variable [ls] or [$ls],
    storage: 'local', // storage name session, local, memory

// in page.vue
import { getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
export default {
  components: {},
  setup() {
    const instance = getCurrentInstance()
    const { ls } = instance.appContext.config.globalProperties
    ls.set('foo', 'boo');
    // Set expire for item
    ls.set('foo', 'boo', 60 * 60 * 1000); //expiry 1 hour
    ls.get('boo', 10); //if not set boo returned default 10
    let callback = (val, oldVal, uri) => {
      console.log('localStorage change', val);
    ls.on('foo', callback) //watch change foo key and triggered callback
    ls.off('foo', callback) //unwatch
    return {}

// in js
import { ls } from 'vue-lsp'

ls.set('foo', 'boo');
// Set expire for item
ls.set('foo', 'boo', 60 * 60 * 1000); //expiry 1 hour
ls.get('boo', 10); //if not set boo returned default 10

let callback = (val, oldVal, uri) => {
  console.log('localStorage change', val);

ls.on('foo', callback) //watch change foo key and triggered callback
ls.off('foo', callback) //unwatch



ls.get(name, def)

Returns value under name in storage. Internally parses the value from JSON before returning it.

  • def: default null, returned if not set name.

ls.set(name, value, expire)

Persists value under name in storage. Internally converts the value to JSON.

  • expire: default null, life time in milliseconds name


Removes name from storage. Returns true if the property was successfully deleted, and false otherwise.


Clears storage.

ls.on(name, callback)

Listen for changes persisted against name on other tabs. Triggers callback when a change occurs, passing the following arguments.

  • newValue: the current value for name in storage, parsed from the persisted JSON
  • oldValue: the old value for name in storage, parsed from the persisted JSON
  • url: the url for the tab where the modification came from

ls.off(name, callback)

Removes a listener previously attached with ls.on(name, callback).