1.Disconnect with TELUS VPN
2.Open CMD and run as administrator
3.Change to the location where you want to clone the repository
4.Run command: git clone https://github.com/luchoagomezt/video-web-server.git
5.Run command: cd video-web-server
6.Run command: python -m venv ./venv
Troubleshooting: If "python" is not recognized, check PY_HOME and PATH variable. Python3.7 will work
7.Run command: pip install -r requirements.txt
8.Run command: python ./server.py
9.Open browser and go to
1.Open CMD and run as administrator
2.Change to the location where you store the repository
3.Run command: venv\scripts\activate
4.Run command: python ./server.py
5.Open browser and go to