
Badge Table Generator simplifies the creation of summary tables by integrating shields.io badges, generating complex Markdown code with ease for an informative visual overview.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CircleCI PRs Welcome

Badge Table Generator

Helps create summary tables for modules and websites by adding badges through shields.io. It generates complex Markdown code with a simple payload for an easy-to-understand visual overview.


  • Creates an overview in the form of a markdown table.
  • Users can choose from various predefined presets.
  • Dynamic information can be inserted into individual cells using, for example, shields.io badges.
  • Customized to meet the needs of open-source repository maintainers. To efficiently monitor metrics from various repositories.
npm init -y
npm i badgetable


Title Article Updated Stars Commits Issues Tests License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table X

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubOverviewWithArticle

See #presets for more examples.

Table of Contents


The following methods are publicly accessible. getTable generates the actual table, while all other methods assist in displaying manually created tables.

npm init -y
npm i badgetable


This method generates the desired table. The form is determined by the preset parameter.


.getTable( { preset, projects, sort=true, footer=true, header=false } )
Name Type Default Description Required
preset String The preset to use for generating the table. true
projects Array of Objects The projects to include in the table. true
sort Boolean true Whether to sort the table. false
footer Boolean true Whether to include a footer in the table. false
header Boolean false Whether to include a header in the table. false

See Presets for examples.

Returns String (markdown)


This helper method returns an array of strings containing all available presets.




Array of Strings


This method returns the currently active configuration. This object also contains the respective presets needed to generate a table. To create a custom table, see .setConfig().



Returns Object

Retrieve the default configuration after auto-generation. This can be useful if you want to create your custom configuration.


This method allows you to adjust the configuration, for example, to insert your custom template.

Contribution welcome, we are happy to expand the standard presets. Please send us your suggestions.


.setConfig( { config, init=false } )
Name Type Default Description Required
config Object The configuration to set for the function. true
init Boolean false Do not provide this parameter. false

Example To customize your configuration, you can provide your own config. It is recommended to modify the default configuration. The configuration distinguishes between Badges, Columns, and Presets. Within Badges, each badge is defined using a struct. The wrapperUrl can be used to create a clickable link, and the shield represents the actual badge content. The struct expects pseudo-HTML enclosed in "<<" and ">>". Variables within the payload are denoted by "{{" and "}}".

import { BadgeTable } from 'badgetable'
const btg = new BadgeTable( true )

const yourConfig = {}

const myconfig = btg.getConfig()
myconfig['presets']['githubMinimal']['struct'] = [
    [ 'tree__columns__text', 'tree__markdown__alignment__left' ],
    [ 'tree__columns__githubUpdated', 'tree__markdown__alignment__left' ],

    [ 'tree__columns__license', 'tree__markdown__alignment__left' ]

const markDown = btg
    .setConfig( yourConfig )
    // .getTable( { 'preset': 'githubMinimal', projects, sort } )

Returns Boolean


Here are all the presets listed as an overview. A detailed description for each example is stored in ./preset.md.


Title Uptime Url

Implementation: ./presets.md#documentation


Title Updated Package
Easy Mina
Mina Data

Implementation: ./presets.md#dynamicPackageSearch


Title Version Updated Statistics License
Feed Into
Masked Ape Club

Implementation: ./presets.md#gemPackages


Title Version Updated Statistics Tests License
Feed Into
Masked Ape Club

Implementation: ./presets.md#gemPackagesCircleCi


Title Updated Stars Commits Contributors License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubActivity


Title Updated Stars Commits Contributors Files Size License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubAdvanced


Title Updated License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubMinimal


Title Updated Stars Commits Issues Tests License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubOverview


Title Article Updated Stars Commits Issues Tests License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table X

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubOverviewWithArticle


Title Updated Stars Files Size License
Ascii to svg Generator
Badge Table

Implementation: ./presets.md#githubStats


Title Version Updated Statistics License
Badge Table
Easy Mina

Implementation: ./presets.md#npmPackages


Title Version Updated Statistics Tests License
Badge Table
Easy Mina

Implementation: ./presets.md#npmPackagesCircleCi


Title Article Version Updated Statistics Tests License
Badge Table X
Easy Mina

Implementation: ./presets.md#npmPackagesCircleCiWithArticle


The module is available as open source under the terms of the MIT.