
Youtube walk-through

This repo contains

  • Backend Server (express.js)
  • Rest Api (mina signature, standings...)
    /getStandings, /challenge/* (get, post)
  • Websocket provider
  • 3D Frontend (three.js)

Additional fork of


This submission shows a possible usecase for off-chain oracles in games with zero knowledge proofs.

The goal is to give the users a receipt for thier earned points. Important is to not disturb the game with loading.

Claim a proof-of-playing:

  • the user set a name
  • if auro wallet is detected the users will be forced to connect the wallet.
  • games begins and the users try to catch sprites and earn points
  • if the user has 10 points and auro wallet installed the auro wallet pops up.
  • the users get informed thatΒ΄s eligable for a proof-of-playing.
  • After signing the message, the browser requests a mina signature from the server.
  • After receiving the signature, automatically get downloaded as a textfile.



  • user create a transaction with id, points, signature and seed. seed is a random generated number from the server to anonymized the id.
  • After successfully sending the proof a event get emitted.
  • A event listener, listen to address: B62qiUdy93cmB9rcQjie2Zo8TwHDiZnmEmJejiXVb2dEADyez2QW6M1 and wait for known seed numbers.

  1. Demo

Table of Contents
  1. Examples
  2. Setup
  3. Config
  4. Contributing
  5. Limitations
  6. Credits
  7. License
  8. Code of Conduct
  9. Support my Work

  1. setup .env
  1. install packages
npm install
node index.js
  1. use ngrok (optional)

run ngrok find url

./ngrok http 3000

update this.config['environment']['url']['local']

    this.config = {
        'env': '.env',
        'environment': {
            'current': null,
            'url': {
                'current': null,
                'local': <----- HERE
  1. run server
node index.js


    this.config = {
        'env': '.env',
        'environment': {
            'current': null,
            'url': {
                'current': null,
                'local': '',
                'heroku': '...'
        'console': {
            'symbols': {
                'neutral': '⬛',
                'onProgress1': 'πŸ”„',
                'onProgress2': 'πŸ”₯',
                'ok1': '🟩',
                'ok2': 'πŸŸͺ',
                'split': '',
                'failed': '❌'
        'server': {
            'port': 3000,
            'routes': [ 'polygon', 'binance', 'fantom' ],
            'publicFolder': './public',
        'websocket': {
            'intervalInMs': 1000,
            'channels': {
                'pingStandings': {
                    'name': 'pingStandings'
                'pingObjects': {
                    'name': 'pingObjects'
            'handshake': [ 
        'objects': {
            'maxSize': 40,
            'bounding': {
                'x': {
                    'start': -640,
                    'end': 630
                'y': {
                    'start': 630,
                    'end': -640
            'refreshTimeInSeconds': 60 
        'user': {
            'points': 2


this.template = {
    'assets':  {
        'mesh': {
            'astronaut': '',
            'moonVehicle': '',
            'autumGirl': '',
            'userMesh': 'astronaut'
        'textures': {
            'snowflake': './assets/snowflake.png',
            // 'flag': './assets/flag.png',
            'landscape': './assets/hud-purple.png',
            'nft': './assets/nft.png',
            'done': './assets/images/empty-2.jpg',
            'redDot': './assets/dots/red.png',
            'greyDot': './assets/dots/white.png',
            'blueDot': './assets/dots/grey.png',
            'greenDot': './assets/dots/yellow-2.png',
            'radar': './assets/radar.png',
            'binance': './assets/images/binance.jpg',
            'polygon': './assets/images/polygon.jpg',
            'fantom': './assets/images/fantom.jpg'
        'heightmap': {
            'precalculated': true,
            'localVar': "heightmap_1665857562['data']",
            'png': './assets/heightmap.png',
            'local': './src/heightmap-1665857562.json'
        'datas': {
            'objects': './getObjectsAll',
            'standings': './getStandings'
        'fonts': {
            'optimerRegular': './font/optimer-regular.json'
    'camera': {
        'perspective': {
            'offset': {
                'x': 0.0,
                'y': 1.1,
                'z': -1.0,
            'start': {
                'x': -216,
                'y': 30,
                'z': -40
            'fov': 45, 
            'near': 0.01, 
            'far': 100000,
            'lerp': 0.05,
            'lookAt': 1.1
        'orthographic': {
            'near': 1,
            'far': 10,
            'z': 10
    'landscape': {
        'gradient': {
            'colors': [ 
                [ 0.00, 0x88F7E2 ], 
                [ 0.25, 0x44D492 ], 
                [ 0.50, 0xF5EB67 ], 
                [ 0.75, 0xFFA15C ], 
                [ 1.00, 0xfed3d8 ]
                [ 0.0, 0xd12d9c ], //
                [ 0.9, 0x5ea2ef ], // blau
                [ 1, 0x1a0c4f ] // dunkel lila
            'axis': 'z',
            'reverse': true
        'heightmap': {
            'height': {
                'min': 0,
                'max': 60
            'position': {
                'x': null,
                'y': null,
                'z': null
            'size': {
                'x': 128,
                'y': 128
            'start': {
                'x': null,
                'y': null,
                'z': null
            'bounding': {
                'x': {
                    'left': -640,
                    'right': -630
                'y': {
                    'top': 630,
                    'bottom': -640
            'elementSize': 10,
            'mass': 0
        'material': {
            'color': 0x888888
        'castShadow': false,
        'receiveShadow': true,
        'wireframe': false
    'userMesh': {
        'box': {
            'x': .5,
            'y': 1.0,
            'z': .5
        'light': {
            'color': 0xFFFFFF,
            'intensity': 0.5,
            'x': 0.0,
            'y': 1.0,
            'z': 0.0,
            'castShadow': true
        'positionPlayer': {
            'x': 0.0,
            'y': -0.1,
            'z': 0.0
        'positionMesh': {
            'x': 0.0,
            'y': 0.0,
            'z': 60.0
        'scale': {
            'x': 0.25,
            'y': 0.25,
            'z': 0.25
        'translate': {
            'x': 0.0,
            'y': 0.5,
            'z': 0.0
        'castShadow': true,
        'transparent': true,
        'opacity': 0.0
    'sprites': {
        'offsetY': 0.75,
        'distance': 10,
    'objects': {
        'offsetY': 0.75,
        'scaleX': 4,
        'scaleY': 4,
        'highlight':  {
            'point': {
                'color': 'orange',
                'intensity': 1.5,
                'decay': 5
            'directional': {
                'color': 'white',
                'intensity': 0,
                'castShadow': false
        'nearest': {
            'limit': 10
    'axis': {
        'offsetY': 0.25,
        'size': 5,
        'distance': 10
    'pointsOfInterests': {
        'points': [
                'type': 'flag',
                'active': true,
                'flag': {
                    'position': {
                        'x': 10,
                        'z': 50
                    'width': 0.15, 
                    'height': 2, 
                    'depth': 0.15,
                    'transparent': true,
                    'opacity': 0
                'cylinder': {
                    'radiusTop': .03,
                    'radiusBottom': .03,
                    'height': 4,
                    'radialSegments': 32,
                    'castShadow': true,
                    'color': 'grey'
                'plane': {
                    'width': 600,
                    'height': 430,
                    'widthSegments': 20,
                    'heightSegments': 20,
                    'scale': {
                        'x': .0025,
                        'y': .0025,
                        'z': .0025
                    'position': {
                        'x': 0,
                        'y': 1.5,
                        'z': 0
                    'castShadow': false
                'light': {
                    'point': {
                        'color': 'orange',
                        'intensity': 1.5,
                        'decay': 5
                    'directional': {
                        'color': 'white',
                        'intensity': 0,
                        'castShadow': false
                'type': 'flag',
                'active': false,
                'flag': {
                    'position': {
                        'x': 10,
                        'z': 50 + 50
                    'width': 0.15, 
                    'height': 2, 
                    'depth': 0.15,
                    'transparent': true,
                    'opacity': 0
                'cylinder': {
                    'radiusTop': .03,
                    'radiusBottom': .03,
                    'height': 4,
                    'radialSegments': 32,
                    'castShadow': true,
                    'color': 'grey'
                'plane': {
                    'width': 600,
                    'height': 430,
                    'widthSegments': 20,
                    'heightSegments': 20,
                    'scale': {
                        'x': .0025,
                        'y': .0025,
                        'z': .0025
                    'position': {
                        'x': 0,
                        'y': 1.5,
                        'z': 0
                    'castShadow': false
                'light': {
                    'point': {
                        'color': 'orange',
                        'intensity': 1.5,
                        'decay': 5
                    'directional': {
                        'color': 'white',
                        'intensity': 0,
                        'castShadow': false
    'controls': {
        'helper': {
            'show': false
        'gui': {
            'query': '.dg .c input[type="checkbox"]',
            'show': false
        'joystick': {
            'maxSteerVal': 0.05,
            'maxForce': 0.15
    'world': {
        'gravity': {
            'x': 0,
            'y': -10,
            'z': 0,
            'contactMaterialFiction': 0,
            'restitution': 0,
            'contactEquationStiffness': 1000
        'light': {
            'color': 0x808080,
            'itensity': 1.0,
            'x': 1.0,
            'y': 1.0,
            'z': 1.0
        'particles': {
            'size': 4,
            'color': 0xFFFFFF,
            'blending': THREE.AdditiveBlending,
            'depthWrite': false,
            'transparent': true,
            'opacity': 0.75,
            'scale': 1,
            'random': [ [ 30, 40 ], [ -500, 500 ], [ -500, 500 ] ],
            'totalStars': 1000
    'renderer': {
        'shader': {
            'renderToScreen': true,
            'hTiltEnabled': false
        'autoClear': false,
        'shadowMapType': THREE.PCFShadowMap,
        'alpha': true,
        'antialias': true,
        'fixedTimeStep': 1.0 / 60.0,
        'scale': 2,
        'shadowMap': true,
        'shadowMapSoft': true
    'websocket': {
        'channels': [
                'type': 'standings',
                'name': 'pingStandings',
                'symbol': 'πŸ”₯'
                'type': 'objects',
                'name': 'pingObjects',
                'symbol': 'x'
        'pingInterval': 1000,
        'handshake': 'handshake123',
    'console': {
        'symbols': {
            'neutral': '⬛',
            'onProgress1': 'πŸ”„',
            'onProgress2': 'πŸ”₯',
            'ok1': '🟩',
            'ok2': 'πŸŸͺ',
            'split': '',
            'failed': '❌'
    'meta': {
        'stage': 'development'

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

  • Proof of Concept, not battle-tested.


EasyMina is based on the examples of jackryanservia

3D Metaverse is based on covalent template:

License s
Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the AsciiToSvg project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

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