
Derive the name from Bitcoin ordinal numbers. Additionally, it provides the capability to search for specific patterns in UTXOs within a specified range.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ordinals Sat Names Finder for node.js

This module allows you to derive the satellite name from ordinal satellite numbers. Additionally, it provides the ability to search for specific patterns in UTXOs within a given range.

Table of Contents



npm init -y
npm i satnames


import { SatNames } from 'satnames'

const satNames = new SatNames()
const number = '1953186218210490'
const satName = satNames
    .toSatName( { 'satNumber': number } )

console.log( `Check out the sleepiest sat: ${satName}`)


.toSatName( {...} )

Option Description Type Required
satNumber The satellite number for which you want to get the name string true


    .toSatName( { 'satNumber': '123' } )
import { SatNames } from 'satnames'

const satNames = new SatNames()
const result = satNames
    .toSatName( { 'satNumber': '1953186218210490' } )

console.log( 'result', result )

.toSatNumber( {...} )

Option Description Type Required
satName The satellite name for which you want to get the number string true


    .toSatNumber( { 'satNumber': '123' } )
import { SatNames } from 'satnames'

const satNames = new SatNames()
const result = satNames
    .toSatNumber( { 'satName': 'zzzzzzzzzz' } )

console.log( 'result', result )

.setSimplePattern( {...} )

Option Description Type Required
pattern The pattern or regular expression to search for string true

With the .setSimplePattern( { 'pattern': 'abc' } ) method, you can easily perform searches. Since the search is performed using a regular expression, you can also input regex patterns like /abc/.

The following example checks whether the "sleepiest" ordinal has been found.

import { SatNames } from 'satnames'

const satNames = new SatNames()
    .setSimplePattern( { 'pattern': 'zzzzzzzzzz' } )

const result = satNames
    .toSatName( { 'satNumber': '1953186218210490' } )

console.log( 'result', result )

.setCustomPattern( { 'challenges': [ {...} ] )


Methods The following pattern methods are available:

Method Description Options
inSuccession Search for patterns in succession { 'startsWith' }, { 'endsWith' }
regularExpression Search using regular expressions no options needed

Logic Under expect, you need to specify a logic, and the following cases are available for this purpose. Use value to set the value against which the result is checked.

Case Description
= Check if zeros is equal to value
> Check if zeros is greater than value
>= Check if zeros is greater than or equal to value
< Check if zeros is less than value
<= Check if zeros is less than or equal to value
Default Display an error message if the logic is not recognized


You can add as many challenges as you like using .setCustomPattern( { 'challenges': [ {...} ] }. For this purpose, there are the methods inSuccession with the options startsWith and endsWith, or regularExpression, where no option is needed.

In the following example, a search is performed for names that start with more than 2 'a's at the beginning and end with 2 'a's. The second search looks for names that contain the letter sequence "abcdef" within them.

import { SatNames } from 'satnames'

const satNames = new SatNames()
    .setCustomPattern( { 
        'challenges': [
                'name': 'more a',
                'logic': [
                        'method': 'inSuccession',
                        'option': 'startsWith',
                        'value': 'a',
                        'expect': {
                            'logic': '>',
                            'value': 2
                        'method': 'inSuccession',
                        'option': 'endsWith',
                        'value': 'a',
                        'expect': {
                            'logic': '=',
                            'value': 2

                'name': 'myRegex',
                'logic': [
                        'method': 'regularExpression',
                        'value': 'abcdef',
                        'expect': {
                            'logic': '=',
                            'value': true
    } )

    .toSatName( { 'satNumber': '1953186218210490' } )

console.log( 'result', result )

.getPatternsForSatRange( {...} )

Option Description Type Required
from The starting satellite number string true
to The ending satellite number string true
    .setSimplePattern( { 'pattern': 'zzzzzzzzzz' } )
    .getPatternsForSatRange( { 'from': '123', 'to': '134' } )
import { SatNames } from 'satnames'

const satNames = new SatNames()
    .setSimplePattern( { 'pattern': 'zzzzzzzzzz' } )

const results = satNames
    .checkPatternsForSatRange( { 'from': 10, 'to': 130 } )

console.log( 'results', results )


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/a6b8/satnames. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


  • Currently in Alpha Stage



The module is available as open source under the terms of the MIT.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the EasyMina project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.