Yii module to add comments to any instance of CActiveRecord. Features ------------ -Comments administration -Threaded comments -Each instance with their own configuration Installation -------------- To add a comment to the model, you need to perform the following steps. Add Comments table to your schema: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_comments` ( `owner_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `owner_id` int(12) NOT NULL, `comment_id` int(12) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_comment_id` int(12) DEFAULT NULL, `creator_id` int(12) DEFAULT NULL, `user_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `user_email` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `comment_text` text, `create_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`), KEY `owner_name` (`owner_name`,`owner_id`) ) Configure the module in app config: 'modules'=>array( ... 'comments'=>array( //you may override default config for all connecting models 'defaultModelConfig' => array( //only registered users can post comments 'registeredOnly' => false, 'useCaptcha' => false, //allow comment tree 'allowSubcommenting' => true, //display comments after moderation 'premoderate' => false, //action for postig comment 'postCommentAction' => 'comments/comment/postComment', //super user condition(display comment list in admin view and automoderate comments) 'isSuperuser'=>'false', //order direction for comments 'orderComments'=>'DESC', ), //the models for commenting 'commentableModels'=>array( //model with individual settings 'Citys'=>array( 'registeredOnly'=>true, 'useCaptcha'=>true, 'allowSubcommenting'=>false, //config for create link to view model page(page with comments) 'pageUrl'=>array( 'route'=>'admin/citys/view', 'data'=>array('id'=>'city_id'), ), ), //model with default settings 'ImpressionSet', ), //config for user models, which is used in application 'userConfig'=>array( 'class'=>'User', 'nameProperty'=>'username', 'emailProperty'=>'email', ), ), ... ), Display ECommentListWidget in view for displaying commentable models $this->widget('comments.widgets.ECommentsListWidget', array( 'model' => $model, )); To manage all comments go to http://yoursite.com/modules.