JavaScript Workout 💪🏼

This is a collection of short JavaScript programming solutions that you will encounter everyday.

As with any programming language, JavaScript has its own way of solving problems. Knowing how to do basic data type conversion or array manipulations will make you deliver your solutions faster. 😊

I hope this helps you to be a more efficient JavaScript developer🤟💀🤟

Feel free to reach out to me🤙

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(1) Array of objects

(2) Array

(3) String format

(4) Spread Syntax

(5) Rest Parameter Syntax

(6) Trivia


1. Create an array of number from an array of an object and do calulation


const input = [
  { name: "name A", score: 2 },
  { name: "name B", score: 1 },
  { name: "name C", score: 4 },
  { name: "name D", score: 5 },


# (1) Create an array
[2, 1, 4, 5]

# (2) Return Sum of the array

# (3) Return Max
Answer will create an array of the value from the selected key in the JSON object.

Array.prototype.reduce will accumulate the number. The firt argument is the accumulator function and second argument is the starting value.

Function.prototype.apply takes this value as a first argument and an array as a second argument. It will apply the function to the array. For example, Math.sum.apply(null, [1, 2, 3]) will sum up all the numbers in the array. Math.sum works with Math.sum(1, 2, 3). But, to make it work with an array, we need to use apply function.

# (1) => x.score);
// alternatively we can map array without .map()
// Array.from takes mapFunction as a second argument, which will be called on every element of an array.
Array.from(input, ({score}) => score);

# (2) => x.score).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

# (3)
Math.max.apply(null, => x.score));
// or use spread operator
Math.max( => x.score));

2. Getting max datetime from a string from the object array


const input = [
  { datetime: "2020-04-29T03:23:48Z", spend: 300.0 },
  { datetime: "2020-06-03T23:26:43Z", spend: 300.0 },
  { datetime: "2020-05-30T17:28:14Z", spend: 300.0 },
  { datetime: "2020-06-27T18:21:07Z", spend: 300.0 },

output - return it as a Date object in the local time

Sun Jun 28 2020 04:21:07 GMT+1000

We can convert the string into a local time with new Date(). Then use the technique from question 1 to create an datetime array and apply max.

new Date(
    null, => new Date(x.datetime))

// or use spread
new Date(Math.max( => new Date(x.datetime))));

3. Adding new key-value pair in all the objects in an array

You have an array of an object with name. Can you add an unique id to all the objects?


const input = [{ name: "John" }, { name: "Tyson" }, { name: "Joan" }];


  { name: "John", id: 1 },
  { name: "Tyson", id: 2 },
  { name: "Joan", id: 3 },

We can use the map and use the index to add an unique id that increments., index) => ({ name:, id: index + 1 }));

4. Sorting object array by a key


const input = [
  { name: "John", score: "432" },
  { name: "Joe", score: "125" },
  { name: "Zoe", score: "320" },
  { name: "Ziggy", score: "532" },
  { name: "Dave", score: "211" },
  { name: "Sarah", score: "621" },

output - sort it in descending order

0: {name: "Sarah", score: "621"}
1: {name: "Ziggy", score: "532"}
2: {name: "John", score: "432"}
3: {name: "Zoe", score: "320"}
4: {name: "Dave", score: "211"}
5: {name: "Joe", score: "125"}
Answer Array.prototype.sort takes a callback function as a sorter. We can write a simple call back function and pass it.
const sorter = (key) => {
  return (a, b) => {
    if (a[key] > b[key]) {
      return -1;
    } else if (a[key] < b[key]) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;


The above solution is too convoluted if we just want to sort by score. We can do this. This however does not work with name because they are string values.

// Ascending
input.sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score);

// Descending
input.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);

// This doesn't work...
input.sort((a, b) => -;

5. Sorting object array by multipe keys

We sorted an object array by a key in the previous question. What if the score is tie and want to sort it by the second key, name.


const input = [
  { name: "John", score: "432" },
  { name: "Joe", score: "125" },
  { name: "Zoe", score: "320" },
  { name: "Ziggy", score: "532" },
  { name: "Dave", score: "211" },
  { name: "Sarah", score: "621" },
  { name: "Alex", score: "320" },

output - see when the sore is the same, it's sorted by name.

0: {name: "Sarah", score: "621"}
1: {name: "Ziggy", score: "532"}
2: {name: "John", score: "432"}
3: {name: "Alex", score: "320"}
4: {name: "Zoe", score: "320"}
5: {name: "Dave", score: "211"}
6: {name: "Joe", score: "125"}

Apply the same method for the previous question. When the first key is the same, we can add another logic to sort it by the second key. Reference here

function rankingSorter(firstKey, secondKey) {
  return function (a, b) {
    if (a[firstKey] > b[firstKey]) {
      return -1;
    } else if (a[firstKey] < b[firstKey]) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      if (a[secondKey] > b[secondKey]) {
        return 1;
      } else if (a[secondKey] < b[secondKey]) {
        return -1;
      } else {
        return 0;

input.sort(rankingSorter("score", "name"));

6. Sorting object array by datetime

Sort array by datetime.


const arrays = [
  { datetime: "2020-04-29T03:23:48Z", spend: 300.0 },
  { datetime: "2020-06-03T23:26:43Z", spend: 300.0 },
  { datetime: "2021-05-30T17:28:14Z", spend: 300.0 },
  { datetime: "2020-06-27T18:21:07Z", spend: 300.0 },

output - return the latest datetime record

{datetime: '2021-05-30T17:28:14Z', spend: 300.00}

Use custom function for sort. getTime() will convert datetime to a number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970.

arrays.sort((a, b)
  => new Date(b.createdAt).getTime() - new Date(a.createdAt).getTime()

7. Aggregate by year

Aggregate the percentage by key.


const breakdown = [
    percentage: 80,
    key: 2011,
    percentage: 10,
    key: 2010,
    percentage: 5,
    key: 2011,
    percentage: 5,
    key: 2010,
    percentage: 5,
    key: 2011,

output - return the sum of percentage by year.

    percentage: 90,
    key: 2011,
    percentage: 15,
    key: 2010,

Approach 1: We can sort the data in a descending order and then use reduce to aggregate.

const sorted = breakdown.sort((a, b) => a.key - b.key);

const aggregated = breakdown
  .sort((a, b) => b.key - a.key)
  .reduce((acc, next) => {
    const currentAccIndex = acc.length - 1;
    if (acc.length && acc[currentAccIndex].key === next.key) {
      acc[currentAccIndex].percentage + next.percentage;
    } else {
      acc[currentAccIndex + 1] = next;
    return acc;
  }, []);

Approach 2: This feels more like a JS witchcraft, doesn't it? Using Object.entries, and then reduce to aggregate.

const result = Object.entries(
    (aggregate, current) => ({
        (aggregate[current.key] ? aggregate[current.key] : 0) +
).map((aggregate) => ({
  year: aggregate[0],
  percentage: aggregate[1],

console.log(`output from the 3rd way ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);


1. Create an array with a sequence of number


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4];

We can use either spread operator or Array from() and key() for ES6✌

For a reference, knowing how to use the Set object is great. Interestingly, this is not supported by IE11. If you do Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3])), you will get an empty array without an error. Use set polyfill for IE11 support.



Array.from(new Set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));

2. Removing duplicates from an array

Remove duplicate value from an array.

const arr = ["apple", "orange", "banana", "orange", "apple"];

The Set type is new in ES6. It's similar to array, but not quite. It contains no duplicate value (member values are unique). So first, we dedupe by converting array into a set object and then convert back to an array with Array.from or spread operator.

Array.from(new Set(arr));

// or
[ Set(arr)];

3. Replace the specific value

Replace watermelon with blueberry in the array below.


const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "watermelon", "melon"];


["apple", "banana", "blueberry", "melon"];

Use map with if condition✌

const newFruits = => {
  if (x === "watermelon") return "blueberry";
  return x;

4. modulo operation

Create an array of the reminder after dividing each by 3. Let's try map the value without using map(). What can you do?


const input = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7];


[0, 1, 2, 0, 1];

We can map array without using .map(). Array.from takes arrayLike object as an first argument and map function applied to every element of the array as a second argument. Third argument is the value to use as this when executing map function. Second and thrid arguments are optional.

Array.from(input, (x) => x % 3);

5. Empty an array

Empty the array below:


const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];



We can just set the array length to 0. That's it🤯

arr.length = 0;

6. Fill an empty array

Create an array of 10 1s as below.


[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];

We can use fill() to fill an empty array with the value.

new Array(10).fill(1);

7. Find common value from two arrays

Find the common value from two arrays.


const numOne = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 8];
const numTwo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];


[2, 4, 6];

First, we need de-duplicate the first array and use filter to find the common value.

[ Set(numOne)].filter((x) => numTwo.includes(x));

8. Get random value from an array

Return random value from the color array below

const colors = ["blue", "white", "green", "navy", "pink", "black", "brown"];

Math.ramdom() yeilds a random number between 0 and one. Then, we multiply with length of the array and take the floor to generate random index.

colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];

9. Get the last index of the value that occurs

Get the last index of 5 occurs in the array below. You need to return 9.

const nums = [1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 7];

Here is the interesting method that javascript has. lastIndexOf().


9. Get the last element of an array

Get the last element of the array

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4];




array[array.length - 1];

10. Convert array to string

const language = ["Japanese", "Spanish", "English", "German"];

From the array above, return string representing the elements of the list.


# (1)
Japanese, Spanish, English, and German

# (2)
Japanese, Spanish, English, or German

# (3)
Japanese Spanish English German

Intl internationalization API has ListFormat object. Intl.ListFormat is supported in all major browsers except IE11.

// (1)
const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat("en", {
  style: "long",
  type: "conjunction",


typeof listFormatter.format(language); // -> string

// (2)
const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat("en", {
  style: "short",
  type: "disjunction",

// (3)
const listFormatter = new Intl.ListFormat("en", {
  style: "narrow",
  type: "unit",


1. Currency Format


const amount = 2398622.26;



By using toLocaleString(), we can format currency with one line🤯

amount.toLocaleString("en-US", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "USD",

There is a great blog post about natvively formatting JavaScript Numbers here. The image below is from that blog post.


If you want to do this without native API, it gets really intense...

const formatAmount = (amount) => {
  const splitAmount = amount.split(".");
  const dollar = splitAmount[0];
  const decimal = splitAmount[1];
  const index = dollar.length / 3;
  const dollarArray = [];
  for (let i = 1; i <= index + 1; i++) {
    const startIndex = dollar.length - i * 2 - 1 - (i - 1);
    const finalStartIndex = startIndex < 0 ? 0 : startIndex;
    dollarArray.push(dollar.substring(finalStartIndex, startIndex + 3));
  return `$${dollarArray.reverse().join(",")}.${decimal}`;

2. Datetime formatting

Formatting the datetime string below into a local time.



output - this is the local time (AEST for me)

"29/06/2020 09:59:01 AM";

Let's give it a go by using Intl.DateTimeFormat. This will give you '29/06/2020'.

new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-AU").format(new Date("2020-06-28T23:59:01Z"));

Now, Intl.DateTimeFormat has options. Let's pass the options.

const options = {
  year: "numeric",
  month: "numeric",
  day: "numeric",
  hour: "numeric",
  minute: "numeric",
  second: "numeric",
  hour12: true,
  timeZone: "Australia/Sydney",

const formatted = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-AU", options).format(
  new Date("2020-06-28T23:59:01Z")

The above will give us the output of '29/06/2020, 9:59:01 am'. We need to format this.

formatted.toUpperCase().split(", ").join(" ");

That's it🤙

If you want to do this without native API, it gets long🐢

formatUtcToLocal(timestamp: string): string {
  const localTime = new Date(timestamp)
  const year = localTime.getFullYear()
  const month = this.formatSingleDigit(localTime.getMonth() + 1)
  const day = this.formatSingleDigit(localTime.getDate())
  const hour = this.formatSingleDigit(this.convertHour(localTime.getHours()))
  const minutes = this.formatSingleDigit(localTime.getMinutes())
  const seconds = this.formatSingleDigit(localTime.getSeconds())
  const amOrPm = localTime.getHours() > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'

  return `${day}/${month}/${year} ${hour}:${minutes}:${seconds} ${amOrPm}`

formatSingleDigit(value: number): string {
  const formattedMonth = `0${value}`
  return formattedMonth.substring(formattedMonth.length - 2, formattedMonth.length)

convertHour(hour: number): number {
  if (hour > 12) {
      return hour - 12
  return hour


Spread syntax is cool🥳 Use spread syntax for all the questions. Let's build spread syntax muscle memory! 🐣🐣🐣

1. Spread with arrays


const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "blueberry"];
const vegs = ["lettus", "tomato"];

Without spread, we would use concat to combine two arrays. Use spread syntax to concat two arrays.


["apple", "banana", "blueberry", "lettus", "tomato"];
const combined = [...fruits, ...vegs];

// it is the same as
const combined = fruits.concat(vegs);

2. Add object to an array

Create a new object with a new fruit added and preserve original fruits array the same.


const fruits = [
  { id: 1, item: "apple" },
  { id: 2, item: "orange" },
const newFruit = { id: 3, item: "banana" };


// Create a new object called newFruits
  { id: 1, item: "apple" },
  { id: 2, item: "orange" },
  { id: 3, item: "banana" },
const newFruits = [...fruits, newFruit];

If you use Array.push() as below, it will modify the original array fruits. With spreading, we can preserve the original array.


3. Create an array from a set

We can use spread syntax to create an iterable array from a set.


const fruitSet = new Set();

output - create a new array called fruitArray

["apple", "orange", "banana"];

4. Create an array from a string

We can also use spread to create an array from a string.


const str = "spread";


["s", "p", "e", "a", "d"];
const strArray = [...str];

5. Copying an object

We can spread an object to copy and update. It is the equivalent of Object.assign().


const original = { id: 1, fruit: "apple" };

output - create an copy of the original, copied.

const copied = { ...original };

This is the equivalent of

const copied = Object.assign({}, original);

6. Adding a new property on an exisitng object

Add a new property to an exisitng object in an immutable fashion.


const fruit = { id: 1, name: "apple" };


{ id: 1, name: 'apple', sweet: true }
const updatedFruit = { ...fruit, sweet: true };

We can do the spread if the added proerty is an object as below.

const add = { sweet: true }
const updatedFruit = { ...fruit, ...add }
// Then this will create the object with a new property
{ id: 1, name: 'apple', sweet: true }

7. Updating a property on an exisitng object

Update an existing property to create a new object in an immutable fashion.


const fruit = { id: 1, name: "apple", taste: "good" };

Update two properties with spread syntax. output

{ id: 1, name: 'banana', taste: 'great' }

To update multiple properties, we can just add them as below.

const updatedFruit = { ...fruit, name: "banana", taste: "great" };

Note that the order of the properties does not matter. We can do it like { ...fruit, taste: 'sweet', id: 4 } and it updates the correct property as long as the name matches.

We can update the property of the object from an object with spread, too!

const update = { name: 'banana', taste: 'great' }
const updatedFruit = { ...fruit, ...update }
// this will update the property
{ id: 1, name: 'banana', taste: 'great' }

8. Spread with nested object

Spread with nested object gets hairy. See if you can add a new property to the nested object as below.


const fruit = {
  id: 1,
  item: {
    name: "apple",
    sweet: true,

output - add an price property to item

  id: 1,
  item: {
    name: 'apple',
    sweet: true,
    price: 1.0

Nested objects need to be spread. In another word, we can spread the inner object, item, to retain the existing property.

const newFruit = { ...fruit, item: { ...fruit.item, price: 1.0 } };

9. More spread with nested objects

Use spread to update item.price.amount to 2.0.


const fruit = {
  id: 1,
  item: {
    name: "apple",
    sweet: true,
    price: {
      currency: "US",
      amount: 1.0,

output - add an price property to item

  id: 1,
  item: {
    name: 'apple',
    sweet: true,
    price: {
      currency: 'US',
      amount: 2.0
const updated = {
  item: {
    price: {
      amount: 2.0,

10. Spread function call

Spread can be used in a function call. We have a function called addAll. This will take 3 parameters. If we have an array of 3 numbers, how can we use the function?

const addAll = (a, b, c) => a + b + c;

// use addAll function on the array below
const input = [1, 2, 3];

This is a cool use case. We can in fact pass the spread input.


This is the same as using apply(). But, spread makes it shorter.

addAll.apply(null, input);

11. Convert array to an object

Another interesting use case for spread. Convert the array to an object as below.


const arr = ["1", "2", "3"];


{ 0: '1', 1: '2', 2: '3' }

It's the quick and dirty way to convert an array to an object with spread✌

{ ...arr }


In JavaScript, three dot syntax is interesting. It can be either spread or rest parameter syntax and they do exactly the opposite🤯 Let's test your knowledge on rest parameter syntax🚀

1. ...args

What is the output of below?

function check(...args) {

check(1, 2, 3, 4);

Rest parameter syntax will create an array instead of unpacking an array of object into individual values as in spread syntax.

The output will become an array of numbers🤯

[1, 2, 3, 4];

2. ...args with other argments

What is the output of below?

function check(firstNum, secondNum, ...args) {

check(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Rest parameter syntax will create an array instead of unpacking an array of object into individual values as in spread syntax.

The output will become an array of numbers🤯

(2)[(3, 4, 5)];

3. Destructing an array

What is the output of below code?

const [first,] = ["apple", "banana", "grape"];


Rest parameter can be used when destructing arrays. will creates the shorter array.

apple[("banana", "grape")];

4. Destructing an object What is the output of below code?

const { id, } = { id: 1, name: "apple", price: 1.0 };


Rest parameter can be used when destructing objects.

{ name: 'apple', price: 1.0 }

(6) Trivia

1. Truthy or Falsy?

Which one is evaluated as truthy?

  1. the number 0
  2. the BigInt 0n
  3. the keyword null
  4. the keyword undefined
  5. the boolean false
  6. the number NaN
  7. empty string ''
  8. empty array []
  9. empty object {}

Empty array [] and empty object {} are evaluated as truthy.

Any primitive type evaluate to true in JavaScript, with the exception of 1 to 7🤯

2. What is !!


Returns an associated boolean value. True or false according to whether it is truthy or falsy values.

const number = 12;
!!number; // returns true


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