
Sonar deploys a debugging container to a Kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Sonar deploys a configurable (if you wish) debugging container to a Kubernetes cluster.

Why Sonar? Well it allows you to see deep into your cluster. That, and most nautically-themed names are already taken.

$ sonar create --image glitchcrab/ubuntu-debug:latest --networkpolicy --podsecuritypolicy \
   --pod-command sleep --pod-args 1h --name glitchcrab-debug --namespace sonar
INFO[0000] serviceaccount "sonar/sonar-glitchcrab-debug" created
INFO[0000] podsecuritypolicy "sonar-glitchcrab-debug" created
INFO[0000] clusterrole "sonar-glitchcrab-debug" created
INFO[0000] clusterrolebinding "sonar-glitchcrab-debug" created
INFO[0000] networkpolicy "sonar-glitchcrab-debug" created
INFO[0000] deployment "sonar/sonar-glitchcrab-debug" created

$ kubectl get po -n sonar
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sonar-glitchcrab-debug-575db85b54-gss4v   1/1     Running   0          43s

$ kubectl exec -it sonar-glitchcrab-debug-575db85b54-gss4v -- bash

notroot@sonar-glitchcrab-debug-575db85b54-gss4v:/$ whoami

notroot@sonar-glitchcrab-debug-575db85b54-gss4v:/$ hostname

$ sonar delete --name glitchcrab-debug --namespace sonar --force
INFO[0000] force was set, not asking for confirmation before deleting resources
INFO[0000] deleting deployment
INFO[0000] deleting podsecuritypolicy
INFO[0000] deleting clusterrolebinding
INFO[0000] deleting clusterrole
INFO[0000] deleting networkpolicy
INFO[0000] deleting serviceaccount
INFO[0000] resources deleted: deployment, podsecuritypolicy, clusterrolebinding, clusterrole, networkpolicy, serviceaccount


Global flags

flag default description
--kubeconfig /home/$user/.kube/config Absolute path to the kubeconfig file to use.
--context current context in kubeconfig Name of the context to use.
--name/-N debug Name given to all resources. Max 50 chars. (see note 1)
--namespace/-n default Namespace to deploy resources to.


  1. All names are automatically prepended with sonar- for visibility. --name debug will result in resources named sonar-debug.


flag default description
--image/-i busybox:latest Name of the image to use. (see note 1)
--networkpolicy false Creates a NetworkPolicy allowing all ingress & egress.
--node-exec null Creates the pod in the host's IPC/net/PID namespaces (see note 2)
--node-name null Attempt to schedule the pod on the named node.
--privileged false Allow the pod to run as a privileged pod. (see note 3)
--pod-args 24h Args to pass to the command.
--pod-cmd sleep Command to use as the entrypoint.
--podsecuritypolicy false Create a PodSecurityPolicy. (see note 4)
--pod-userid 1000 User ID to run the container as.


  1. If no tag is provided then latest is automatically used.
  2. A node name to schedule onto must also be provided. Note that the following flags will be ignored: networkpolicy, podsecuritypolicy, privileged.
  3. Must be provided at the same time as --podsecuritypolicy to have any effect.
  4. The PSP will inherit the value set via --pod-userid and configure the minimum value of the RunAs range accordingly.


  • sonar create

    • accept all defaults. Creates a deployment in namespace default called sonar-debug. The pod image will be busybox:latest with sleep 24h as the initial command.
  • sonar create --image glitchcrab/ubuntu-debug:v1.0 --pod-cmd sleep --pod-args 1h

    • uses the provided image, command and args.
  • sonar create --podsecuritypolicy --pod-userid 0 --privileged

    • creates a deployment which runs as root. Also creates a PodSecurityPolicy (and associated RBAC) which allows the pod to run as root/privileged.
  • sonar create --networkpolicy

    • also creates a NetworkPolicy which allows all ingress and traffic to the Sonar pod.
  • sonar create --context foo-context --namespace bar

    • create a deployment using context foo-context in namespace bar.
  • sonar create --node-exec true --node-name worker2 --pod-userid 0

    • create a pod with root access to the node named worker2.


flag default description
--force false Skips all interaction and deletes all resources created by Sonar.


  • sonar delete

    • deletes all resources which match the defaults. This will result in deleting all resources in namespace default which are named sonar-debug.
  • sonar delete --name test --namespace kube-system

    • deletes all resources in namespace kube-system named sonar-test.


Release artifacts:

  • Grab the binary for your distribution from the releases.

Supported distributions:

Build from source:

go build -o sonar