
Apply your skills to import, analyze and visualize Human Resources (HR) data using Power BI.

The Problem

In this case study, a fictitious client, Atlas Labs, have the primary goal of monitoring Key HR metrics on employees and understanding what factors impact attrition (Employee attrition is the naturally occurring, voluntary departure of employees from a company)

Implemntaion Steps

Step 1: Data Modeling and EDA

Bringing all your data into Power BI and connecting your data model. Once your data is ready, I will doing some initial exploratory data analysis on general HR trends.

  • create a dedicated date table using DAX
DimDate =
VAR _minYear =
    YEAR ( MIN ( DimEmployee[HireDate] ) )
VAR _maxYear =
    YEAR ( MAX ( DimEmployee[HireDate] ) )
VAR _fiscalStart = 4
        CALENDAR ( DATE ( _minYear, 1, 1 ), DATE ( _maxYear, 12, 31 ) ),
        "Year", YEAR ( [Date] ),
        "Year Start", DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), 1, 1 ),
        "YearEnd", DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), 12, 31 ),
        "MonthNumber", MONTH ( [Date] ),
        "MonthStart", DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), MONTH ( [Date] ), 1 ),
        "MonthEnd", EOMONTH ( [Date], 0 ),
            DATEDIFF (
                DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), MONTH ( [Date] ), 1 ),
                EOMONTH ( [Date], 0 ),
            ) + 1,
        "YearMonthNumber", INT ( FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYYMM" ) ),
        "YearMonthName", FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYY-MMM" ),
        "DayNumber", DAY ( [Date] ),
        "DayName", FORMAT ( [Date], "DDDD" ),
        "DayNameShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "DDD" ),
        "DayOfWeek", WEEKDAY ( [Date] ),
        "MonthName", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMMM" ),
        "MonthNameShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMM" ),
        "Quarter", QUARTER ( [Date] ),
        "QuarterName", "Q" & FORMAT ( [Date], "Q" ),
        "YearQuarterNumber", INT ( FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYYQ" ) ),
            FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYY" ) & " Q"
                & FORMAT ( [Date], "Q" ),
            DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), ( QUARTER ( [Date] ) * 3 ) - 2, 1 ),
        "QuarterEnd", EOMONTH ( DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), QUARTER ( [Date] ) * 3, 1 ), 0 ),
        "WeekNumber", WEEKNUM ( [Date] ),
            [Date] - WEEKDAY ( [Date] ) + 1,
            [Date] + 7
                - WEEKDAY ( [Date] ),
            IF (
                _fiscalStart = 1,
                YEAR ( [Date] ),
                YEAR ( [Date] )
                    + QUOTIENT ( MONTH ( [Date] ) + ( 13 - _fiscalStart ), 13 )
            QUARTER (
                DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), MOD ( MONTH ( [Date] ) + ( 13 - _fiscalStart ) - 1, 12 ) + 1, 1 )
            MOD ( MONTH ( [Date] ) + ( 13 - _fiscalStart ) - 1, 12 ) + 1
  • Connect the DimDate table to FactPerfomanceRating and the DimEmployee table
  • Connect the DimEducationLevel table to the DimEmployee table
  • Connect FactPerfomanceRating table columns (EnvironmentSatisfaction, JobSatisfaction, RelationshipSatisfaction and WorkLifeBalance) to DimSatisfactionLevel table and use EnvironmentSatisfaction as the active connection.
  • Connect FactPerfomanceRating table columns (SelfRating, ManagerRating) to DimRatingLevel and use the SelfRating column as the active connection.
  • Creating Measures
    • Count employees : TotalEmployees = DISTINCTCOUNT(DimEmployee[EmployeeID])
    • Count Active Employees : ActiveEmployee = CALCULATE([TotalEmployees], DimEmployee[Attrition] = "No")
    • Count Inactive Employees : InactiveEmployee = CALCULATE([TotalEmployees], DimEmployee[Attrition] = "Yes")
    • Calculate Attrition Rate% Attrition Rate = [InactiveEmployee]/[TotalEmployees]
  • Calculate Hiring trends over time to see where they have had the biggest growth in employees
TotalEmployeesDate =
    USERELATIONSHIP ( DimEmployee[HireDate], DimDate[Date] )

Hiring trends over time

looking into the typical roles department managers are hiring into the organization. This will enable every department to plan for new hiring requests in the future.

  • Analyzing departments and Job Roles Analyzing departments and Job Roles

Step 2: Analyzing Demographics and Performance

Using your Power BI skills to extract insights using DAX and learn how to build custom visuals on report. Atlas Labs would like some answers on its employee demographics and performance.

  • Focus on Employee (Demographics) age and gender

    • Create Age distribution of employees : =Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "AgeBins", each if [Age] >= 50 then "50>" else if [Age] >= 40 then "40-49" else if [Age] >= 30 then "30-39" else if [Age] >= 20 then "20-29" else "<20") Demographics
  • Focus on Marital Status and Ethnicity

    • Count Employees by marital status
    • create a measure, AverageSalary : AverageSalary = AVERAGE(DimEmployee[Salary]) Marital Status and Ethnicity
  • performance of the employees based on yearly performance reviews

    • slicer with employee full name which has single select and search enabled to show selected employee start date last review date and next review date performance reviews
    • Individual review ratings : create satisfaction metrics inside the _Measures table and visualise them
    EnvironmentSatisfaction = 
        CALCULATE (
            MAX ( FactPerformanceRating[EnvironmentSatisfaction] ),
            USERELATIONSHIP ( FactPerformanceRating[EnvironmentSatisfaction], DimSatisfiedLevel[SatisfactionID] )
    JobSatisfaction = MAX(FactPerformanceRating[JobSatisfaction])
    RelationshipSatisfaction = CALCULATE(
        [RelationshipSatisfaction], DimSatisfiedLevel[SatisfactionID])

    performance reviews

Step 3: Bringing it all together (Creating a cohesive report)

It’s almost time to deliver report to the key stakeholders at Atlas Labs. In this final chapter, We will focus on delivering insights on attrition and what factors affect employee retention. Finally, we will clean up the overall layout of the report to create a user-friendly, clean, and branded experience.

  • Understanding attrition
    • Employee attrition, also known as employee churn or turnover, refers to employees leaving an organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary). Understanding attrition
    • Other Factors affects attrition Understanding attrition
  • Layout design improvement Applying color and brand for final dashboard final dashboard final dashboard final dashboard final dashboard