Collection of Programming Stuffs in my college life
Variety Languages and Programs Incoming as time passes!
Programs are categorized as per the Subject Name
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On Every Push activity, an Automated Build is triggered on selective branches. Thanks to Travis CI
01knapsa.c - Program to demonstrate 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm
knapsa.c - Program to Implement Fractional Knapsack Algorithm
lcs.c - Program to find the Longest common sequence between two given sequences
mergesort.c - Program to implement merge sort
nq.c - Program to implement N-Queens Algorithm
prim.c - Program to Implement Prim's algorithm
quicksort.c - Program to implement Quick Sort
strmat.c - Program to implement String Matching Algorithms - Naive (COMPLETE) and Rabin-Karp (INCOMPLETE)
sumofsubsets.c - Program to demonstrate the Sum of Subsets Problem
bst.c - Menu-Driven program to demonstrate Binary Search Tree
circular_queue.c - Program to implement Circular Queue using Array
evalpost.c - Program to Evaluate a PostFix expression
expr_validation.c - Program to Validate Bracket Expressions
in2post.c - Program to convert an Infix expression to a Postfix expression
insertion.c - Program to implement insertion sort
linked_list_allOps.c - Program to emulate a linked list using structures, values from user, MENU DRIVEN - Operations use Start Node as Reference
linked_list.c - Program to emulate a (creation-only) linked list using structures
stackemulator.c - Menu-Driven Program to imitate a Stack using an Array - Program to perform Bubble Sort - Program which deals with Constructor Usage (Basic/Parameterized/Copy) and Constructor (and Method) Overloading - Program which demonstrates method overloading - Program to perform Insertion Sort - Program which converts a number to byte format - Typecasting you know - Program which calculates Simple Interest - Program which collects and prints details of 'n' number of students
You're on your own
You're on your own
You're on your own
1to10tables.c - Program to print a square-table matrix
aboutme.c - Program which provides info about me in a fashion
armstrong_for.c - Program which checks whether a number is an Armstrong number or not
array_minmax.c - Program to Find minimum and maximum values in Array
array_reverse.c - Program to print contents of Array in reverse
array_search.c - Program to Search for an element in an Array
array_sort.c - Program to arrange 'n' elements in Ascending and Descending order
avg_negskip_for.c - Program to calculate average of 'n' numbers provided by user
avg_noneg_while.c - Program to calculate average of 'n' numbers provided by user. Program continues on specifying negative numbers
avg_while.c - Program to calculate average of 'n' numbers provided by user
calc_switch.c - Program to play with numbers
div5_ternary.c - Program which makes use of ternary operator
EDCBA.c - A Pattern Program
evenprint_while.c - Program to print even numbers upto 'n'
fact_while.c - Program to calculate Factorial
fibo_while.c - Program to print Fibonacci series upto user specified input 'n'
func_armstrong.c - Program which checks whether a number is an Armstrong number or not
func_mularray_matmul.c - Program to calculate the Multiplication of two Matrices
func_mularray_sumofels.c - Program to calculate the sum of elements of a Matrix using function
func_mularray_transpose.c - Program to evaluate transpose of a multidim array
grade.c - Program which Assigns grades according to your marks
hcf_3nos_for.c - Program to calculate GCD of two given numbers
hcf.c - Program to calculate GCD of two given numbers
helloworld.c - Program which says Hello World!
mularray_2x2add.c - Program to calculate sum of two matrices, 2x2
mularray_magic.c - Program to check whether the given matrix is a Magic matrix
mularray_rowreverse.c - Program to reverse the rows a given n-order matrix
mularray_sumofelements.c - Program to calculate the sum of elements using function
mularray_sumofupdiag.c - Program to calculate sum of upper diagonal elements of an array
ninputs_for.c - Take input from user and continue taking it if user enters 'Y' or 'y' as input
ninputs_while.c - Take input from user and continue taking it if user enters 'Y' or 'y' as input
nnos_while.c - Program to print 'n' numbers
nonformio.c - Program to understand the usage of Non-Formatted I/O functions
numsys_convert.c - Program to convert a Decimal number to either of their Binary, Octal, or Hexadecimal equivalents
oddprint.c - Program to print Odd numbers upto 'n'
pattern_ABCtri.c - A Pattern printing program
pattern_asc_desc.c - A Pattern printing program
pattern_no_124369.c - Pattern printing program
pattern_startri.c - Pattern printing program
prime2.c - Program to check whether the given number is a prime number or not
prime.c - Program to check whether the given number is a prime number or not
refunc_fact.c - Program to calculate Factorial
refunc_prime.c - Program to check whether the given number is a prime number or not
refunc_reverse.c - Program to calculate reverse of a number using Recursion
refunc_sumupton.c - Program to calculate sum of n numbers
sumof5digitno_for.c - Program to calculate sum of digits of 5 digit number
sumofcubes_while.c - Program to calculate the sum of cubes of 'n' numbers
sumofndigitno_for.c - Program to calculate sum of 'n' digit number
sumofseries1.c - Program To calculate sum of the series
table.c - Program which shows a table (kinda)