A react native module that lets you to register a global error handler that can capture fatal/non fatal uncaught exceptions.
- 0
- 0
Is this library still maintained?
#180 opened by thebiltheory - 1
Incompatible with Gradle 8 and above while generating release builds and app bundles
#178 opened by vtn-dev-manish - 8
Not working on release
#120 opened by trytony - 1
Unable to obtain incorrect message
#175 opened by ShaoGongBra - 5
[QUESTION] Is this library deprecated?
#174 opened by enzzoperez - 0
DefaultErrorScreen in android is not showing
#177 opened by sriadimanav - 0
"Occured" should be "Occurred"
#176 opened by gz-jgale - 1
Navigate to Contact us screen
#160 opened by y-maslouskaya - 5
- 13
null is not an object (evaluating 'ReactNativeExceptionHandler.setHandlerforNativeException')'
#128 opened by bogdanpk - 1
display a form on JS crush
#141 opened by sammysium - 0
Add example for native Code in Android example
#170 opened by NeoPCl - 3
Not Working with crashlytics
#157 opened by BhavyaKoshiya - 2
setNativeExceptionHandler not working properly
#125 opened by OmarBasem - 0
Write log into device memory
#169 opened by Abhishek25031991 - 6
- 2
Fetch operations not working inside nativehandler
#168 opened by W1nstar - 1
JS Code not beign called on Native Exception Android
#167 opened by W1nstar - 0
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- 1
Question: how to mock?
#163 opened by nicopaez - 3
duplicate symbol SignalHandler
#131 opened by Knight704 - 7
- 0
change readme to show "deprecated" status
#161 opened by LucasHimelfarb - 0
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warning and error is not fatal ?
#156 opened by ibra4 - 2
setNativeExceptionHandler is not working
#129 opened by Balajisivakumar92 - 1
not working on native errors
#152 opened by AmirDoreh - 0
How to custom replaceNativeExceptionHandlerBlock on ios with wix/react-native-navigation
#154 opened by dungnguyen10989 - 3
How to get full error?
#150 opened by stharvey - 0
Unresolved function or method raiseTestNativeError()
#137 opened by kseyko35 - 1
- 0
setJSExceptionHandler only firing once?
#148 opened by JeremyBradshaw7 - 0
Question: would this prevent newrelic crash report?
#147 opened by Deadarius - 2
Undefined error and isFatal
#143 opened by donmezemre - 2
Support for RN 0.6+ Auto linking
#130 opened by ghasemikasra39 - 0
Know the source of the error
#145 opened by Gheeroppa - 2
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Returning a component from the error handler
#144 opened by ianbayne - 1
setNativeExceptionHandler not working
#138 opened by erfanbdcse - 3
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TypeError's are not getting cached
#134 opened by Josema - 0
- 1
Sentry do not logging JS exceptions
#127 opened by lucasluca - 0
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Problem android - native error callback
#121 opened by bartoszboruta - 1
Not working in Samsung Galaxy S8
#115 opened by jonatasnardi