
Coursera: Coursera LLM and Generative AI

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

AWS: https://d-awqyscxjemzd.studio.us-east-1.sagemaker.aws/jupyter/default/lab
Setup the lab Notes:

For the lab, it is better to use a laptop or desktop computer instead of a tablet. The lab uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) which take some time to spin up. You may need to wait a few minutes for the lab to open. Click on button (upper right of the screen) to begin the lab. Note: On the first start of the lab, the lab environment should load in a few seconds, but subsequent attempts may take up to 20 minutes.

Click on link (top left of the screen), which will open AWS Management Console in a new tab. Then you can return to this tab to find the remaining instructions. Note: If you see the window like in the following printscreen, click on logout link, close the window and click on link again.