Documentation for the beneficiary reporting api
Install RVM or Homebrew to manage your Ruby version
- RVM (uses Homebrew internally on OSX)
$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby $ rvm install 2.2 $ ruby -v ruby $ which ruby /Users/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.x/bin/ruby
Install bundler
$ gem install bundler
Install Jekyll and other dependencies
# from the root of the repository $ bundle install
Build and run the site locally in watch mode
# from the docs directory bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --config
- The package.json file is only used to store the current verions of 3rd party libraries that were coppied into this project and to bring those packages down again if ever needed.
npm install
cannot be used when auto-publishing to github pages. This allows us to keep a simple workflow and allow editors to edit content directly in github.