
Get and Set object properties in a Fast and Elegant way. (with caching and no dependencies!)

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Get and Set object properties in a Fast and Elegant way. (with caching and no dependencies!)
Inspire by angular $parse service

Note: This kit works great with deep-keys (creates an array composed of the own enumerable property names of an object).


$ npm install --save obj-parse


var parse = require('obj-parse');

var person1 = {
  name: 'Ariel Mashraki',
  address: { country: { name: 'Israel', city: 'Tel Aviv' }  }

var person2 = {
  name: 'Dan Louis',
  address: { country: { name: 'Canada', city: 'Toronto' }  }
//property getter
var nameGetter = parse('name');
nameGetter(person1); //Ariel Mashraki
nameGetter(person2); //Dan Louis

//nested propeties with dot notation
var cityGetter = parse('address.country.city');
cityGetter(person1); //Tel Aviv
cityGetter(person2); //Toronto

//bind a function
function ifCanadian(person) {
  return person.address.country.name === 'Canada';
var getter = parse(ifCanadian);
getter(person1); //false
getter(person2); //true

//property setter, use the assign function
//return function(scope, value)
var countrySetter = parse('address.country.name').assign;
countrySetter(person1, 'Canada'); //return person1 with changes
countrySetter(person2, 'Israel'); //return person2 with changes

//use again in the ifCanadian
getter(person1); //true
getter(person2); //false


MIT © Ariel Mashraki