Helps to trim local videos with compress option on Android applications using Exoplayer 2 and FFmpeg.
Pinned issues
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Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(android.view.View$OnClickListener)' on a null object reference
#111 opened by hardilundavia - 0
- 4
problem with jniLibs and CMake;
#84 opened by MoatazNoaman2001 - 7
Gradle build issue
#109 opened by DishankBBI - 1
i got error 'FileNotFoundException' when i want to upload trimmed video to firebase storage
#69 opened by ahmadfma - 6
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Cant create thumbnails from the trimmed videos
#107 opened by slyvelikov - 1
MIT License with FFMpeg - Violation?
#108 opened by victordas96 - 1
Compression after trimming mp4
#104 opened by drewness9999 - 4
Class not found when unmarshalling: com.gowtham.library.utils.TrimVideoOptions
#106 opened by Hassaan-Javed - 1
Trimmer but for Audio?
#105 opened by anonym24 - 2
Question about set timer
#103 opened by drewness9999 - 3
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_data' does not exist. Available columns: [],
#68 opened by khurramconovo - 2
Not support permission "android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED" on android 14
#102 opened by vnhanh - 4
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import com.gowtham.library.utils.TrimVideo
#100 opened by idrisyildiz7 - 3
i have found cannot locate symbol "av_default_item_name" using this library in my android studio
#70 opened by shaikh2783 - 2
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I am suresh, while I taken video from internalstorage video and start to edit but getting crash.please help me
#91 opened by sureshkumarknila - 1
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minify enabled app crashes
#99 opened by atiyakamal19 - 7
android 13 cant trim video permission denied.WRITE_EXTERNAL_SORAGE -> READ_EXTERNAL_VIDEO
#94 opened by shagi1234 - 1
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cant read file with android api 32
#75 opened by idnael - 3
Android 12 and above version carsh
#79 opened by priyankgandhi0 - 5
protocol not found. "failed to trim"
#96 opened by angelkoh - 2
allow setDestination to Cache directory
#95 opened by angelkoh - 2
Linking error when adding the library
#86 opened by aruns911 - 0
How do we set the output destination?
#93 opened by brettnguyen - 2
Crash on all android version
#88 opened by kevinciang - 1
app size is 45 MB
#87 opened by VIVEKCODEXP - 0
Error after adding library
#85 opened by Sundaraymonalisa - 1
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Please add this trimmer as Separate entity, Make a copy of this trimmer without FFmpeg
#82 opened by sammi06 - 1
TrimVideo class is not found
#80 opened by pmnprt - 3
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React native support.
#77 opened by harshaliitr - 0
Audio quality loses
#76 opened by saksham1345 - 2
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can not create new implementation
#71 opened by pstlvictoras - 0
MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture: Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
#67 opened by deepbhavsar - 0
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Frame rate options
#63 opened by hsinha76 - 12
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Wrong project, sorry
#62 opened by GabrielCataldo - 2
Customizaton of toolbar
#60 opened by Mayank1904 - 4