
based on kirillmurashov vue-drag-resize , get modified , now it can also rotate

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


It's complicate to publish this component to npm, so just copy it to your own project and use it

based on kirillmurashov vue-drag-resize, makes a extension "rotate"

added rotate Function to it, the icon is using element-ui's.

the original repository's dependencies are soooo old ,which makes me cannot write a proper pull request,

so I decided to create a new repository

the added function is marked with "added"

Use the component:

    <div id="app">
        <VueDragResizeRotate :isActive="true" :w="200" :h="200" :deg="deg" :rotate="rotatable" v-on:resizing="resize" v-on:dragging="resize" v-on:rotate="rotate">
            <h3>Hello World!</h3>
            <p>{{ top }} х {{ left }} </p>
            <p>{{ width }} х {{ height }}</p>

    import VueDragResizeRotate from 'vue-drag-resize-rotate';

    export default {
        name: 'app',

        components: {

        data() {
            return {
                width: 0,
                height: 0,
                top: 0,
                left: 0,
                deg: 0,
                rotatable: true

        methods: {
            resize(newRect) {
                this.width = newRect.width;
                this.height = newRect.height;
                this.top = newRect.top;
                this.left = newRect.left;
            rotate(deg) {
                this.deg = deg

Props added


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true

Determines whether the component can be rotated 确定组件是否可以旋转。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :rotate="true">


Type: Number
Required: false

Determines the rotate degree of the component 当前组件旋转的角度

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :deg="120">



Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false

Determines whether the component should be active. 确定组件是否应处于活动状态。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isActive="true">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false

Disable behavior of the component by clicking on it and clicking outside the component's area (isActive: true / false). If the prop is enabled, the component is oriented only to the specified.

通过单击组件并单击组件区域外部来禁用组件的行为(isActive:true / false)。 如果启用了prop,则组件仅面向指定的。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :preventActiveBehavior="true">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial width of the parent element. If not specified it calculated automatically. With this parameter, you can set the bounding area for the component, and also it is used when resizing in real time. 定义父元素的初始宽度。 如果未指定,则自动计算。 使用此参数,您可以设置组件的边界区域,并在实时调整大小时使用它。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentW="2000">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial height of the parent element. If not specified it calculated automatically. With this parameter, you can set the bounding area for the component, and also it is used when resizing in real time. 定义父元素的初始高度。 如果未指定,则自动计算。 使用此参数,您可以设置组件的边界区域,并在实时调整大小时使用它。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentH="2000">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 1

Define the initial horizontal scale or the parent element. Same value in parent's transform: scale() css definition. The drag/resize and the sticks' sizes will computed with this value. 定义初始水平比例或父元素。父级的transform:scale()css定义中的值相同。 拖动/调整大小和杆的大小将使用该值计算。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentScaleX="0.5">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 1

Define the initial vertical scale or the parent element. Same value in parent's transform: scale() css definition. The drag/resize and the sticks' sizes will computed with this value. 定义初始垂直比例或父元素。父级的transform:scale()css定义中的值相同。


<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentScaleY="0.5">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true

Determines whether the component should draggable. 确定组件是否应可拖动。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isDraggable="false">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true

Determines whether the component should resize. 确定组件是否应调整大小。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :isResizable="false">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false

Limits the scope of the component's change to its parent size. 将组件更改的范围限制为其父大小。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :parentLimitation="true">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false

Determines whether the component should retain its proportions. 确定组件是否应保持其比例。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :aspectRatio="false">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 200

Define the initial width of the component. 定义组件的初始宽度。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :w="200">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 200

Define the initial height of the component. 定义组件的初始高度。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :h="200">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 50

Define the minimal width of the component. 定义组件的初始宽度。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :minw="50">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 50

Define the minimal height of the component. 定义组件的最小高度。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :minh="50">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial x position of the component. 定义组件的初始X位置。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :x="0">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial y position of the component. 定义组件的初始Y位置。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :y="0">


Type: Number|String
Required: false
Default: auto

Define the zIndex of the component. 定义组件的zindex(层级)。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :z="999">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default 8

Define the sticks' size.

<vue-drag-resize-rotate :stickSize="12">


Type: Array
Required: false
Default: ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml']

Define the array of handles to restrict the element resizing: 定义句柄数组以限制元素大小调整:

  • tl - Top left
  • tm - Top middle
  • tr - Top right
  • mr - Middle right
  • br - Bottom right
  • bm - Bottom middle
  • bl - Bottom left
  • ml - Middle left
<vue-drag-resize-rotate :sticks="['tm','bm','ml','mr']">


Type: String
Required: false
Default: both

Define the axis on which the element is draggable. Available values are x, y, both or none. 定义元素可拖动的轴。 可用值为xybothnone

<vue-drag-resize-rotate axis="x">


Type: String
Required: false

Defines the selector that should be used to drag the component. 定义应该用于拖动组件的选择器。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate dragHandle=".drag">


Type: String
Required: false

Defines a selector that should be used to prevent drag initialization. 定义应该用于防止拖动初始化的选择器。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate dragCancel=".drag">


Type: String
Required: false

Defines a class that is applied on the div with the class vdr

<vue-drag-resize-rotate contentClass="box-shaddow">

Events added


Required: false
Parameters: -

Called whenever the rotate handler gets clicked. 单击旋转握柄时调用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @rotate="rotate">



Required: false
Parameters: Original event handler

Called whenever the component gets clicked. 单击组件时调用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @clicked="onActivated">


Required: false
Parameters: -

Called whenever the component gets clicked, in order to show handles. 单击组件时调用,以显示句柄。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @activated="onActivated">


Required: false
Parameters: -

Called whenever the user clicks anywhere outside the component, in order to deactivate it. 每当用户单击组件外部的任何位置时调用,以便将其停用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @deactivated="onDeactivated">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    left: Number, //the X position of the component
    top: Number, //the Y position of the component
    width: Number, //the width of the component
    height: Number //the height of the component

Called whenever the component gets resized. 每当组件调整大小时调用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @resizing="onResizing">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    left: Number, //the X position of the component
    top: Number, //the Y position of the component
    width: Number, //the width of the component
    height: Number //the height of the component

Called whenever the component stops getting resized. 每当组件停止调整大小时调用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @resizestop="onResizstop">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    left: Number, //the X position of the component
    top: Number, //the Y position of the component
    width: Number, //the width of the component
    height: Number //the height of the component

Called whenever the component gets dragged. 每当拖动组件时调用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @dragging="onDragging">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    left: Number, //the X position of the component
    top: Number, //the Y position of the component
    width: Number, //the width of the component
    height: Number //the height of the component

Called whenever the component stops getting dragged. 每当组件停止拖动时调用。

<vue-drag-resize-rotate @dragstop="onDragstop">