
Celular automaton-based calculus for the masses

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Fractal AI: A Fragile Theory of Intelligence


Please note this project is under active development and may change over time. Treat it as an open beta.

Boxing-v0 MsPacman-v0 Tennis-v0 Centipede-v0 MontezumaRevenge-v0

Once you start doubting, just like you’re supposed to doubt, you ask me if the science is true. You say no, we don’t know what’s true, we’re trying to find out and everything is possibly wrong.

–Richard P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman.

Table of Contents


Fractal AI (arXiv) is a theory for efficiently sampling state spaces. It allows one to derive new mathematical tools that could be useful for modeling information using cellular automaton-like structures instead of smooth functions.

In this repository we present a new agent called Fractal Monte Carlo Agent, derived from the first principles of the theory. The agent is capable of solving Atari games under the OpenAI Gym several orders of magnitude more efficiently than similar techniques, such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) [1].

We also present the Swarm Wave algorithm, a tool derived from Fractal AI (FAI) that allows one to solve Markov decision processes under a perfect model of the environment. Under this assumption, the algorithm is about five orders of magnitude more efficient than MCTS, effectively "solving" a substantial number of Atari games.

The code provided under this repository exemplifies how it is now possible to beat some of the current state-of-the-art benchmarks on Atari games and a large sample of top-performing examples with little computation required, turning Reinforcement Learning (RL) into a supervised problem.

The algorithms propose a new approach to modeling the decision space, while maintaining control over any aspects of the agent's behavior. The algorithms can be applied to both sampling discrete and continuous state spaces.

Quick Start

To quickly understand the fundamentals of Fractal AI you can refer to the Introduction to FAI. The document provides a brief explanation of the algorithms here presented and their potential applications on the field of Reinforcement Learning.

To proof how how the Fractal Monte Carlo Agent performs on any Atari game you can refer to the FMC example notebook. The example allows runs either using the RAM content or pixel render as observations.

To better understand how the Swarm Wave algorithm works in practice you can refer to the Swarm Wave example notebook.

Pleas note the authors are open to discuss the ideas and code here presented under the conceptual framework of Reinforcement Learning and its standard terminology.


The code provided aims to be both simple and self-explanatory. Requirements and instructions to set up the environment are provided below.


Installing dependencies

As a first step, install the dependencies as explained on the OpenAI gym documentation:

To install the full set of environments, you'll need to have some system packages installed. We'll build out the list here over time; please let us know what you end up installing on your platform. In case you want to run the notebook:

pip3 install jupyter


brew install cmake boost boost-python sdl2 swig wget

On Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install -y python-numpy python-dev cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb libav-tools xorg-dev python-opengl libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig libav-tools

Cloning and Installing the FractalAI Repository

On the terminal, run:

git clone git@github.com:FragileTheory/FractalAI.git
cd FractalAI
sudo pip3 install -e .


It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are.

If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.

–Richard P. Feynman

The results for the benchmarks provided come from a single (Razer Blade laptop) using the Fractal Monte Carlo Agent (FMC) through the code from the reference implementation provided in this repository. The parameters utilized were chosen according to the the first principles of the theory. The performance observed corresponds with the expected values.

Total number of games available 56 100.0%
Games played by FMC 52 92.9%
Games where FMC defeats the state-of-the-art 41 78.8%
Games solved or defeats the human record 17 32.7%

Fractal Monte Carlo Agent Performance Table

The following table depicts the Fractal Monte Carlo Agent performance based on widely accepted benchmarks within the reinforcement learning community.

For each game played by the agent, the following information is is provided:

  • Human record: the maximum score achieved by a human player, as reported in [8].
  • SotA: stands for "State of the Art":
    • Represents the best score achieved by any of the following algorithms: Random, DQN, C51 DQN, NoisyNet-DQN, Dueling, NoisyNet-Dueling, A3C, NoisyNet-A3C, A2C, HyperNEAT, ES FF, and MCTS.
    • Take into account when interpreting the benchmark table that some of the scores are reported as an average across multiple runs (at most 100). See [1], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. A detailed source for each score can be found in the detailed performance sheet.
  • FMC: the maximum score achieved by Fractal Monte Carlo Agent in the games documented. The number of runs for each game and the parameters used may vary between each game.
  • FMC vs SotAa: Relative performance of FMC vs. the corresponding State of the Art.
Game Human Record SotA FMC FMC vs SotA
alien 251916 5899 19380 329%
amidar 155339 2354 4306 183%
assault 8647 11477 2782 24%
asterix 335500 406211 999500 246%
asteroids 10004100 26380 76270 289%
atlantis 7352737 8782433 10000100 114%
bank heist 199978 1611.9 1645 102%
battle zone 863000 42767 50000 117%
beam rider 999999 30276.5 288666 953%
berzerk 1057940 3409 13290 390%
bowling 300 135.8 86 63%
boxing 100 99.4 100 101%
breakout 748 750 100%
centipede 1301709 25275.2 1351000 5345%
chopper command 999900 15600 999900 6410%
crazy climber 447000 179877 238300 132%
demon attack 999970 130955 999970 764%
double dunk 5 20 400%
enduro 3617.9 3454 5279 153%
fishing derby 71 49.8 -1 -2%
freeway 34 33.9 33 97%
frostbite 552590 7413 485000 6543%
gopher 120000 104368.2 616000 590%
gravitar 1673950 805 2600 323%
hero 1000000 38874 36625 94%
ice hockey 36 10.6 64 604%
jamesbond 45550 4214 9600 228%
kangaroo 1436500 14854 7100 48%
krull 1006680 12601.4 277000 2198%
kung fu master 1000000 48375 144100 298%
montezuma 1219200 273.7 2500 913%
ms pacman 290090 6283 58521 931%
name this game 25220 15572.5 53010 340%
phoenix 4014440 70324.3 250450 356%
pitfall 114000 123 0 0%
pong 21 21 21 100%
private eye 103100 15095 40680 269%
qbert 2400000 23784 35750 150%
riverraid 194940 21162.6 18510 87%
road runner 2038100 69524 54000 78%
robotank 74 65.3 94 144%
seaquest 527160 266434 999999 375%
skiing 32,72 15442.5 0%
solaris 281740 11830 93520 791%
space invaders 621535 15311.5 17970 117%
star gunner 77400 125117 1600 1%
surround 6.8 0%
tennis 24 23.1 24 104%
time pilot 66500 11666 0%
tutankham 3493 321 342 107%
up n down 168830 145113 999999 689%
venture 31900 3800 1500 39%
video pinball 999999 949604 999999 105%
wizard of wor 233700 12352 93090 754%
yars revenge 15000105 69618.1 0%

Detailed Performance Sheet

We provide a more detailed Google Docs spreadsheet where the performance of the Fractal Monte Carlo Agent is logged relative to the current alternatives. In the spreadsheet we also provide the parameters used in each of the runs.

If you find any outdated benchmarks or for some reaons you are unable to replicate some of our results, please open an issue and we will update the document accordingly.

Run the Examples and Help Us

You can help us while running the example by yourself and sending us your results:

  1. Record a video using our FMC example notebook.
  2. Provide the parameters used in the run.
  3. Provide the mean time as displayed as output in the notebook.
  4. Provide information about the system in which you ran the example.
  5. Share all of the above with us. You can do that in two ways:
    1. Upload the mp4 file generated to YouTube. Post the URL on Twitter alongside the corresponding information in the tweet content, and use use the hashtag #Fractal_ATARI.
    2. Open an issue in this repository with the video/URL and corresponding information.

We appreciate all your contributions.

Benchmarking tool

We are currently building a tool that will allow for testing our theory at larger scale. We aim to provide confidence intervals for the results, by using different parameter combinations.

Additional Resources

Theoretical Foundations

Fractal AI: A Fragile Theory of Intelligence: This document explains the fundamental principles of the Fractal AI theory in which our Agent is based. We worked all the fundamental principles completely from scratch to build our own solution. We try to be consistent with existing terminology, and this document should contain everything you need to understand the theory. Comments on how to better explain the content are appreciated.


EntropicAI, Sergio Hernández Cerezo's blog: Here you can find the evolution of the research process for developing this algorithm, documented and explained, as well as experiments which aim to apply the theory to other fields of research.


Fractal AI playlist: In the Youtube playlist you can find videos of the accomplishments over the years. Besides the recordings Atari games using the Agent, you can find videos recorded using a custom library that allows one to create different tasks in continuous control environments, as well as visualizations of how the Agent samples the state space.

Related Research

GAS paper [9]: A manuscript describing an application of the Fractal AI theory on general optimization problems. There are certainly better ways to apply the theory such problems, yet it illustrates why code is better than maths to explain the theory. When trying to formalize it, things can get really non-intuitive.

Causal Entropic Forces by Alexander Wissner-Gross [10]: The fundamental concepts behind this paper inspired the present research. We develop our theory aiming to calculate future entropy more quickly and being able to leverage the information contained in the Entropy of any state space, together with any potential function.

Cite us

    Author = {Sergio Hernández Cerezo and Guillem Duran Ballester},
    Title = {Fractal AI: A fragile theory of intelligence},
    Year = {2018},
    Eprint = {arXiv:1803.05049},


As questions regarding the research and methodology we will address them under the FAQ.

You can refer to the FAQ document.

About the Authors


The authors have developed the theory as personal side projects driven purely by intellectual curiosity. Guillem worked on it while attending college, and Sergio while working as a programmer. The authors are not part of academia, have no corporate affiliation and no formal track record.

All the time and resources involved came from the authors themselves, besides the support from:

  • HCSoft, which supported our research and believed the ideas since the very beginning.
  • source{d}, which kindly sponsored the project for 6 months.

We currently do not have the resources to further carry our research. We will gladly accept contributions or sponsorships that allow us to continue working with what is our passion.

Special thanks: We want to thank all the people who has believed in us along the years. Their patience, understanding and support made possible for this project to evolve to this point.


We are actively working in improving this project, and we welcome all contributions. Some of the to-dos in our roadmap:

  • Making the repository more friendly to academia.
  • Improving the Introduction to Fractal AI document.
  • Improving code clarity and docstrings.
  • Updating Benchmarks with current records.
  • Providing a command line interface (CLI).
  • Uploading the project to pip and Conda package managers.
  • Creating a Docker container for ease of use.


  • [1] Guo, Xiaoxiao and Singh, Satinder and Lee, Honglak and Lewis, Richard L and Wang, Xiaoshi. Deep Learning for Real-Time Atari Game Play Using Offline Monte-Carlo Tree Search Planning. NIPS2014_5421, 2014.

  • [2] Greg Brockman and Vicki Cheung and Ludwig Pettersson and Jonas Schneider and John Schulman and Jie Tang and Wojciech Zaremba. OpenAI Gym . arXiv:1606.01540, 2016.

  • [3] Marc G. Bellemare, Will Dabney Rémi Munos. A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning. arXiv:1707.06887, 2017.

  • [4] Meire Fortunato, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Bilal Piot, Jacob Menick, Matteo Hessel, Ian Osband, Alex Graves, Vlad Mnih, Remi Munos, Demis Hassabis, Olivier Pietquin, Charles Blundell, Shane Legg. Noisy networks for exploration. arXiv:1706.10295, 2018.

  • [5] Volodymyr Mnih & others. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. doi:10.1038/nature14236, 2015.

  • [6] Matthias Plappert, Rein Houthooft, Prafulla Dhariwal, Szymon Sidor, Richard Y. Chen, Xi Chen, Tamim Asfour, Pieter Abbeel, Marcin Andrychowicz. Parameter Space Noise for Exploration. arXiv:1706.01905, 2017.

  • [7] Tim Salimans, Jonathan Ho, Xi Chen, Szymon Sidor, Ilya Sutskever. Evolution Strategies as a Scalable Alternative to Reinforcement Learning. arXiv:1703.03864, 2017.

  • [8] ATARI VCS/2600 Scoreboard. Atari compendium, 2018.

  • [9] Sergio Hernández, Guillem Duran, José M. Amigó. General Algorithmic Search. arXiv:1705.08691, 2017.

  • [10] Alexander Wissner-Gross. Causal entropic forces. Physical Review Letters, 2013.

  • [11] Shane Legg Machine Super Intelligence. Doctoral Dissertation , 2008.