
  1. Python 3.6
  2. pip
  3. Neo4J

Setting up

1.Script dependencies

Simply run the shell script called


2.Setting up the data

For the territorial data, the script expects a number of .csv files to be in the same directory:

File name Meaning
countries.csv The countries information
regions.csv The regions information
counties.csv The counties information
municipalities.csv The municipalities information
cities.csv The cities information
communes.csv The communes information

Running the script

Once you have everything setup, you first have to make sure you're using the virtual environment we created at the previous step. To do that, run:

source venv/bin/activate

Now we're good to go.

The database populator can be run as:

python [-h] [--insert-territories] [--host HOST] 
                       [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                       [-v] data

As you can see, there are a number of options can be used. Here is what they mean:

Option Definition
data Path to the data directory.
-h Show the help message and exit
--insert-territories Whether to insert the territories as well or not. (For now only mode the script can be run in.
--host HOST Host where the neo4j server is running.
--port PORT Port where the neo4j server is running.
--user USER User used to connect to the neo4j server.
--password PASSWORD Password used to connect to the neo4j server.
-v, --verbose Whether to log the inner workings of the script or not.