Simple frontend for accounts built in React. Signin/Signup and simple profile page.
Starts webpack dev server on port 8080 or given env PORT.
Compiles into /build/
Serves the build folder.
Running version will do a gulp build and push the tag to github. You can then run docker build to rebuild container, or just leave that to a CI service.
npm version [major | minor | patch]
Comes with pre-commit installed, which will run lint against git modified files before every commit, to disable just remove the pre-commit package and entry in package.json.
npm run lint
Build the docker image after you run gulp build. The default dockerfile simply runs a nginx server that serves the build/
// inside project root dir
docker build -t <docker username>/<docker hub repo> .
// run docker image
docker run -d --name <custom name> -p <host port>:80 <docker username>/<docker hub repo>