Use for prod at your own risk, this cluster isn't secure. PRs for better security are welcomed.
- hbs-templater
npm i -g hbs-templater
- cfssl
- terraform
- kubectl
Once you have those binaries installed you are ready to go
IMPORTANT: EDIT configs in
starting line 62. ALSO edit load_balancer_user-data
to point at the correct kontinuum server, or take it out if none.
This should only be ran once per cluster. Set two env variables when running
for the first time.
- DO_TOKEN - digital ocean token
- PRIVATE_KEY - path to digital ocean private key
DO_TOKEN=footoken PRIVATE_KEY=~/.ssh/do_rsa ./
This will create terraform.tfvars with the cluster information.
terraform get
terraform plan
terraform apply
This will output the master node ip for setting up kubectl. Copy master node ip.
Now you should be able to use kubectl on your local machine to interact with the cluster. You might have to wait a couple minutes for servers to finish provisioning.
kubectl cluster-info
If you didn't edit anything, 2 etcd nodes, 1 master kubernetes node, 3 minion kubernetes node, and one load balancer node.
The load balancer node is listening for changes in etcd for kubernetes services with exposed nodePort, you will have to get your own domain name and set it up in digital ocean networking.
If you want a hello-world server that you can reach via
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hello-world
run: hello-world
# specify subdomain
subdomain: hello-world
Look in examples for more details.
You can set subdomain to index
and that will resolve to
To set up kontinuum for continious deployment read more here
scp ./ root@<database_ip>:~/
ssh root@<database_ip>
vim /etc/mongod.conf
# comment out bindIp
service mongod restart
vim /etc/redis/redis.conf
# comment out bind
service redis-server restart