
ETCD aware Nginx load balancer

Primary LanguageNginx

Kontinuum Load Balancer

The purpose of the image is to run an nginx loadbalancer that will automatically detect subdomains via etcd.

Uses es-etcd-watcher for watching etcd keys.

If etcd has ssl, make sure you have the ca, key and cert files ready. Run the docker container with the following flags, change variables accordingly. DOMAIN should be whatever domain name you have registered.

docker run --name kontinuum-lb -d --restart on-failure:5 \
	-e DOMAIN='foo.com' \
	-e ETCD_HOST='' \
	-e ETCD_CA='/etc/etcd/ca.pem' \
	-e ETCD_KEY='/etc/etcd/ca.key' \
	-e ETCD_CERT='/etc/etcd/ca.crt' \
	-v /etc/etcd:/etc/etcd \
	--net="host" \