
Node JS application that retrieves weather data from the openweathermap API and lets its user save a list of favorite locations for quicker weather retrieval.

Getting Started


Ensure you have Docker running and Docker Compose installed.

  • Clone the repository.
  • In the terminal at the root of the project run the compose command docker-compose up -d
  • When the stages outlined below are complete navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Note: This may take a few minutes, a few things are happening.

  1. Docker is building a container for the Node App and for the MySQL databse.
  2. Docker is installing node modules (this accounts for the bulk of time but should not be an issue on subsequent builds)
  3. Webpack is creating a bundle.js and an HTML file as an entry point for the react-client. These are located in the react-client/dist folder.
  4. Once the MySQL database is ready Node will start the express server.

This set up is not configured for optimal development and any changes made to the code will require a a re-build of the bundle.js.

You can rebuild locally with npm run build or to rebuild the bundle with the docker containers running by running the following in the terminal

  • docker ps - gets a list of running containers and their ID's
  • docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/sh
  • npm run build

You can close the containers by running docker-compose down

API Documentation

See the directory API-docs

The Express Server exposes these endpoints


Unit testing is managed by Jest and React Testing Library

Testing for this application is motivated not by implementation details but how a user actually engages with the DOM.

See this article by Kent C. Dodds for a good primer on the library and the thought process behind it.

  • npm run test

Built With

  • Node
  • React
  • Express
  • MySQL


Future Feature Proposals

  • Favorites List will filter itself as the user types to display only matching entries, e.g. typing "112" will display only [11222, 11233, 11244] instead of the entire list.

  • Favorites List with sort itself based upon how often its clicked.