
A Google Keep clone, that follows the same design pattern as the original. Made with Angular.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google Keep Clone

angular sass vercel github1s


This project is a clone of Google Keep that stays true to the original app's design principles and incorporates most of its features.

It was made with the help of :



â–¶ Visite the website

Google Keep Clone Preview

Project structure

It follows a simple structure :

└─ src/
   â”œâ”€ app/
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ components/
   â”‚  â”‚  â”œâ”€ input/
   â”‚  â”‚  â”œâ”€ main/
   â”‚  â”‚  â”œâ”€ navbar/
   â”‚  â”‚  â”œâ”€ sidenav/
   â”‚  â”‚  â””─ notes/
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ db/
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ interfaces/
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ pipes/
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ services/
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ app-routing.module.ts
   â”‚  â”œâ”€ app.component.ts
   â”‚  â””─ app.module.ts
   â””─ index.html


Browse project


Checkout my article on dev.to explaining the steps & technique I used to create this project :

Quick start

Clone this repo into new project folder (e.g., keep).

git clone https://github.com/aBrihoum/google-keep-clone keep

Install npm packages.

cd keep
npm i

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.