Market Data Watcher

This codebase contains several components of system with the goal to perform the following tasks:

  • Fetch and save market data from several exchanges through their REST APIs and Websockets.
  • Ability to calculate several indicators on the market data.
  • Provide a REST API to query the market data and indicators
  • Define strategies to trade on the market data.



  • market-watcher-service: Fetches historic data and keep monitoring close candles from several exchanges to save them to a database.
  • application-engine-service: Socket server that receives last prices directly from exchanges.


  • security-api-module: Contains the security API to authenticate and authorize the users.


  • common-market-lib: Contains the common classes to be used by the other modules.


Build Image

docker build -t MarketDataWatcher .
docker images

Run Container

docker run --name ats-app -p 8080:8080 -d ats
docker ps -a
docker logs ats-app
docker stop ats-app
docker rm ats-app


  • Java 21.0.0
  • Maven
  • Docker