- 0
"is" used with a literal
#34 opened by DeinAlptraum - 1
Generating a PDF with high quality images introduces noticable compression artifacts
#33 opened by Darkblader24 - 5
list_text example
#30 opened by nrathaus - 1
Project status?
#32 opened by Lawouach - 0
Table and image side by side
#31 opened by andreasjohnsenav - 0
progress bar or output the page being processed
#26 opened by sheneeb - 1
How to add encoding?
#28 opened by barseghyanartur - 3
Line wrapping - Table cell overflow
#29 opened by milosta - 1
Euro sign '€' raises a KeyError
#27 opened by milosta - 1
Typographer’s apostrophe (’) in strings leads to a KeyError: '’' in / get_text_width()
#23 opened by bohning - 5
Couldn't process image on BytesIO image
#24 opened by SaschaKrug - 2
TypeError on BytesIO image in table
#25 opened by SaschaKrug - 1
page break if the table row data crosses to next page and start the same row on the next page
#22 opened by sheneeb - 0
Example of drawing a line in a PDF
#21 opened by particleman314 - 1
- 3
overlapping header with section data
#18 opened by sheneeb - 1
- 2
- 2
Draw Straight Line
#15 opened by sheneeb - 1
Image on Header is not working
#16 opened by sheneeb - 0
how to set the page orientation to landscape
#14 opened by sheneeb - 1
import image to table
#13 opened by DominikKaiser74 - 1
Running the example causes error
#12 opened by Spider2themax - 0
Hexagesimal colors not working
#10 opened by aFelipeSP - 0
No borders when combining cells in table
#7 opened by aFelipeSP - 0
Incomplete section
#5 opened by aFelipeSP - 0
Footnotes are moved to the right, when an image with left margin is added to a page
#3 opened by aFelipeSP