This repository is based on
Please read the original for more details.
I modified some parts of the code to make it work with my purpose.
Major updates are:
- Adding traditional SDMs (statistical models, and machine learning models) and deep neural networks (DNNs)
- Adding Benchmark dataset ( and custom dataset (environmental data of South Korea, and species occurrence data from GBIF)
- Random sampling pseudo-absences using exclusion buffers based on environmental rasters
- Training and testing SDMs with presence-only (PO) and presence-absence (PA) datasets on a conventional binary classification task.
Added codes for the conventional species distribution modeling:
If you benefit from this repository, please cite these papers:
- base repos.:
Convolutional neural networks improve species distribution modelling by capturing the spatial structure of the environment
- benchmark dataset:
Presence-only and presence-absence data for comparing species distribution modeling methods
Predicting invasive species distributions using incremental ensemble-based pseudo-labeling