
All of my hobby pen-plotter (mechanical design, circuit diagram, controll software, etc...)

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


3D model


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • docker, docker compose

[NOTE] This repository DOES NOT support NVIDIA graphic driver.



The BSL-Plotter parts are in the bsl-plotter/stl directory. Please refer to URDF model and above image for assembly. And, use 6mm BB-bullets-ball to assemble the thrust bearings. (3D model for assembly will be uploaded soon!)

It is recommended to use a 3D printer to create the parts. The recommended printing conditions are as follows.

  • Nozzle: 0.4mm
  • Filament: ABS, PLA, PETG
  • Support: enable
  • Wall: 0.6~1.0mm


Item Model Quat. Link
Servo Motor STS3215, Feetech 3 pcs. akitsuki
Servo IF Board FE-URT-1, Feetech 1 pc akitsuki
Filament PolyTerra PLA, Polymaker 1 roll Amazon
Magnet コクヨ マグネット 強力マグネットプレート 片面・粘着剤付き 6枚 耐荷重500g マク-S381 1 pack Amazon
White board トレー付大きなホワイトボード 45×60cm 1 pc DAISO
Pen ホワイトボードマーカー(消し付、細芯、黒・赤・青、3本) 1 pack DAISO
BB-Ball (for thrust bearing unit) BB弾 1 pack DAISO
Wire 3 core cable about 1 m
Bolt M2 tapping included STS3215
M3-5mm included STS3215
M3-10mm 4 pcs.
M3-15mm 2 pcs.
M3-25mm 4 pcs.
M3-30mm 2 pcs.
M3-35mm 4 pcs.
M3-40mm 4 pcs.
Nuts M3 Hex 20 pcs.

Servo ID Setting

  • Root Joint: 1
  • Middle Joint: 2
  • Hand Joint: 3

Cable Extension Extend the cable included with STS3215 to double the length. You can use a connector or solder it.


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/kim-xps12/bsl-plotter.git
  2. Launch docker container

    cd bsl-plotter/docker_ros
    docker compose up -d
  3. Execute a command in a running container

    docker compose exec mynoetic /bin/bash
  4. Check GUI

  5. Check OpenGL

  6. Enjoy your robotics!


You need to operate inside a docker container (mynoetic). It is required to be able to use multiple terminals using tmux or terminator. I recommend reading "How to use Terminator" in the Reference section.

  1. Go workspace

    cd catkin_ws
  2. Build workspace and load settings

    catkin build
    source devel/setup.bash
  3. Launch rviz

    roslaunch bsl_plotter_description display.launch
  4. Add new pane, and Launch IK solver

    roslaunch plotter_controller test_swing.launch 
  5. Add new pane, Run servo driver

    rosrun plotter_controller feetech_driver.py


How to use Terminator