
Code for CIKM2020 "S3-Rec: Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Recommendation with Mutual Information Maximization"

Primary LanguagePython

Code for our CIKM 2020 Paper "S3-Rec: Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Recommendation with Mutual Information Maximization"




Please check the ./reproduce/ directory.


Performance comparison of different methods on six datasets. The best performance and the second best performance methods are denoted in bold and underlined fonts respectively.

In the PAPER, we pair the ground-truth item with 99 randomly sampled negative items that the user has not interacted with, and report the results of HR@{1, 5, 10}, NDCG@{5, 10} and MRR. The used test files are name as


The results are shown in the following pic. avatar

We alse rank the ground-truth item with all the items. We omit the FM and AutoInt because they need enumerate all user-item pairs, which take a very long time.

The results are shown in the following pic.



pip install -r requirements.txt

data format

data preprocess

generate negative items for testing

one user per line
user_1 item_1 item_2 ...
user_2 item_1 item_2 ...

one user per line
user_1 neg_item_1 neg_item_2 ...
user_2 neg_item_1 neg_item_2 ...

{item_1:[attr, ...], item_2:[attr, ...], ... }


python run_pretrain.py \
--data_name data_name


We support two evaluation methods. For more details, please check the ./reproduce directory.

  • Rank ground-truth item with 99 randomly sampled negative items
python run_finetune_sample.py \
--data_name data_name \
--ckp pretrain_epochs_num
  • Rank the ground-truth item with all the items
python run_finetune_full.py \
--data_name data_name \
--ckp pretrain_epochs_num


If you find the our codes and datasets useful for your research or development, please cite our paper:

  author    = {Kun Zhou and
               Hui Wang and
               Wayne Xin Zhao and
               Yutao Zhu and
               Sirui Wang and
               Fuzheng Zhang and
               Zhongyuan Wang and
               Ji{-}Rong Wen},
  title     = {S3-Rec: Self-Supervised Learning for Sequential Recommendation with
               Mutual Information Maximization},
  booktitle = {{CIKM} '20: The 29th {ACM} International Conference on Information
               and Knowledge Management, Virtual Event, Ireland, October 19-23, 2020},
  pages     = {1893--1902},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  year      = {2020}


If you have any question for our paper or codes, please send email to hui.wang@ruc.edu.cn.